Wednesday, February 27, 2008
What's In A Name?
No one can know for certain what Mr. Cunningham's intentions were, but I'm going to go out on a limb and make a judgement - he knew exactly what he was doing. It was bigotry, pure and simple. I realize that many on the right are concerned about the influence of Islam in Senator Obama's life: Does allegiance to Allah come before the United States? How many John Kennedy (Catholicism), Mitt Romney (Mormon) speeches will it take before they realize that his religion does not come before the country? It is ridiculous to even suggest, because if he did try it, he'd be impeached in a flash, just as any President should be who tries to make any religion the "state religion".
I would normally say that using a candidates full name should never be a reason for an apology - it's your name, if you don't like it change it. But in this case, especially when you view the video of his rant, there can be little doubt about the bitter seeds he was trying to sow.
Now I'm not all that fond of my middle name either: Len
I never made any effort to make it known because the thought of being called "Ben-Len" in grade school was about like being called "Ben Franklin" all the time - it was annoying. Nicknames can be even worse. My father's nickname for me: Pooty. Where he ever came up with that I'll never know, but if he wanted to see a six year old in paroxysms of rage, all he had to do was call me that. Of course, once my three brothers and two sisters realized how much it jerked my chain, I eventually became inured to the endless teasing. I guess it was just too close to "Poopy" for my tastes.
So what's in a name? It's all in how you say it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Who's Your Choice for McCain's Veep?
It's almost too easy to pick her. A highly intelligent, well spoken black female who may even draw away votes from Obama simply because of her gender and skin color. That's a sad commentary on how some of us vote I think, but it exists and to deny it is to deny the reality of politics in this country.
If you think things like that aren't taken in to consideration, you don't know politics very well.
That is only a fraction of the overall consideration however. From everything I've seen of Ms. Rice, she is tough when she needs to be and is not afraid of mixing it up with the big boys. With the expertise that she's gained as Secretary of State, she would be able to fill the role of Vice-President as a true asset, not just a figurehead for ceremonies. John McCain's age and health do not present a problem as far as I'm concerned, but one never knows when the bell tolls for thee. Having a younger VP with talent and leadership ability is also part of the equation.
It would also be interesting to see the manner in which the mainstream media treats her. Do you think the NY Times would do a hatchet piece on her like they did on McCain earlier this week? William Randolph Hearst had nothing on Mr. Sulzberger when it comes to yellow journalism, but I don't think they'd be quite as hasty to print innuendo and supposition about Condolezza Rice.
So who's your choice? What do they bring to the table?
Feel free to share your opinions.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Senator Obama's Good Idea
1.) If we're going to pay for four years of education, we should expect four years of service, either at home or abroad, Peace Corp, military, and numerous options for service here, including teaching, nursing, our infrastructure, our cyber structure - skills that we don't even know we need yet.
2.) Don't make it mandatory - If the student doesn't wish to provide four years of service, then the student's parents foot the bill. There's no need to pay Biff's way through Harvard when Daddy has millions.
I realize that some people will say: "Yup, the rich can buy their way out again!"
In all of our conflicts, including the Civil War, rich men, sons and daughters of rich men have given their lives. People from all shades of life have done both: everything they could for their country, or everything they could for themselves.
If we take a step back from the class warfare that's more imagined than real, and ponder on the fact that we share more in common than often supposed, maybe it will get a little easier to find the good ideas that can appeal to and help the vast majority of our citizens. Providing a path to education that never existed before is one of those issues. We may differ in our approach somewhat, but debate and consultation should pave that path as quickly as possible.
Education is the key to our success in the 21st Century and beyond - even if it is mostly taught by my fellow Americans that I have political differences with.
Politics should never be the sole definition of a human being. As I have been reminded and will never forget; the crosses in Arlington don't indicate a Democrat or a Republican, they indicate an American.
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Penultimate Definition of PC
So, for those of you who don't recognize this as the penultimate definition of political correctness, I'd love to here your definitions - feel free to leave your comments.
"The following is the 2007 winning entry from an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.This year's term: Political Correctness."
'"Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."'
The creator of that definition could have any job in marketing he wanted.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I Wanna Take You Down To Kosovo
"We regret that the Security Council cannot agree on the way forward, but this impasse has been clear for many months," Belgium's UN ambassador Johan Verbeke said.
He gave the statement on behalf of Belgium, France, Italy, the UK, Croatia, Germany, and the United States.
Click on the title for the link to the story from the BBC.
Russia and Serbia oppose Kosovo's declaration of independence which took place hours ago. Like most Americans I suspect, I had no idea this was even brewing. The head of the UN wants both sides to remain calm - good idea.
So my friends, what do we do if Russia supports a Serbian invasion instead of working things out peacefully? Do we respond or do we blink?
Before you get your "warmongering" labels ready for me, I'm only thinking out loud about eventualities. The last thing we need is another shooting match.
I've expressed concerns regarding Mr. Putin before and I sure hope someone in the government has a hell of a lot better read on him than I do. I also hope that cooler heads prevail in Moscow, but some ethnic violence has already started according to the BBC report. Minor at this point, but this region has a way of generating warfare, ala WWI.
At least this time we have a few more countries in our corner, even though the "blame" will still be on us.
For those of you who believe in things like prayer, you might want to include this in your nightly supplications.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Prudence or Paranoia
I have compared those opposed to the war to ostriches in the past - preferring apathy and denial as opposed to confronting our enemies wherever they may be, but that is an unfair characterization. All the people that oppose the war don't have their heads buried in the sand; they are aware and involved. Unfortunately, millions of Americans make their political decisions based on the barest of criteria, usually provided by the mainstream media.
No matter what your position on the war is, trying to learn as much as you possibly can about the situation and incorporating that into your decision making process is essential, but practiced by too few of our citizens. For many Americans, a half hour of news at 6:00 pm is the extent of their involvement in the world, and then there are millions that don't bother with the news at all.
I was sent the link to by my good friend Sir Charles. If you click on the title of this piece you'll see a video that is about 3-4 minutes long. Some of you will look at this and label it fear-mongering, while others will have confirmation of their belief that we have been at war with Islamofacism since the 1970's. I doubt that there will be many people who are uncertain as to whether or not we are at war - they're the ones that tend to lean whichever way the wind is blowing.
I suspect there will be few minds changed, if any, but I decided to post this for all of you who oppose the war in hopes that, perhaps, you might begin to understand how those of us who feel we are at war have arrived at that conclusion. To continue arguing over whether we should have been there in the first place is pointless - we're there.
Now the debate should center on what we do next. If you feel like Senator Obama, you want to pull all of the troops out immediately. To me, that's a recipe for future warfare that will make our losses to date pale in comparison. I can't prove it - if I could I'd be called Nostradamus. I can only make my decision based upon the beliefs and principles I hold, and historical perspective.
That's why I'm linking to this short video. I don't believe we're paranoid, I believe that we are taking the actions that a prudent person takes to protect themselves and their families. Vigilance can be misconstrued as paranoia; prudence as aggression; but there is one thing upon which we can all agree: We love this country, we want what's best for our future generations, but we disagree as to the extent of the threat this country faces.
I can only hope that if you take the time to watch the video, setting aside prejuidice as much as possible, you'll begin to understand why many of us feel that Iraq was necessary. Our enemies needed to know that, just like Israel, from this point forward, we will come after you, no matter where you may be, and open up a can of whoop-ass, the likes of which you've never comtemplated.
I hope that whoever is elected to the Presidency gives thought to following up with an effort similar to President Kennedy's Peace Corp. If you've checked out any of Michael Yon's reporting from Iraq, you know that our soldiers are performing many tasks similar to those that the Peace Corp volunteers would do. In his latest report, he indicates that he's walking the streets in south Baghdad now without any body armor or protection. As things continue to settle in Iraq, we continue to help build their infrastructue.
A call to the nation by the President for volunteers for the Peace Corp - or even mandating 2 years of service to your country either at home or abroad are actions I think could lead to greater unity here at home, and a definite improvement of our image in the world.
I'd prefer to change minds by lending a helping hand, but if you're going to bite my outstretched hand, you'd best remember what I'm holding in the other one.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
To Debby - Thanks
Good times are easily shared
Fertile ground for love,
Which seldom grows in grim circumstance
Shallow love and shallow ground
Both bear jealous fruit
But the roots of true love grow daily deeper
The synergy of two as one can withstand all
If each has given all
Tragedy refuses to play favorites
Yet, unlike too many others,
Our roots remain intertwined
Though we live our love each day,
No Valentine's Day has ever meant more
When you've been in love with someone
As long as I've loved you
It's hard to explain all the things that you take for granted
The words you mean to say, but never do
When you share your heart with someone
Like I shared mine with you
Your love may be spurned or returned
Sometimes I wonder
What did I do to deserve a love so true
When you share your soul with someone
Like I've shared mine with you
If love is pursuit of what's true
I think we've found it
It's plain to see in everything we do
When you'd give your life for someone
Like I'd give mine for you
That may seem old fashioned
But that's love, and that's passion for someone
For the rest of my life that someone is you
So thanks for understanding me, when you don't, at least you try
And thanks for holding on to me even though I've made you cry
And thanks for all the little things you always seem to do
But most of all, I'm thankful that I am so in love with you
And you love me too
Happy Valentine's Day Debbie - I love you!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Berkeley Follies
Toledo wants to kick the Marine reserves out and some nitwits in Colorado who should be paying attention to potholes want to impeach Bush & Cheney. You're against the war - we get it - but you're against our soldiers too? Didn't you learn anything from the way we treated our soldiers after Vietnam?
Not to worry though, the dedicated parking spot for the screech owls from Code Pink is still there and they can use their bullhorn to scream their garbage. I just wish they had the opportunity to do it some where in Iraq or Afghanistan with the Marines not around to protect their sorry butts.
"I need to change in Mexico the perception that the Americans are the enemy, and it is important to change the perception that the Mexicans are the enemy," he said. "We are neighbors, we are friends and we must be allies."
"You have two economies. One economy is intensive in capital, which is the American economy. One economy is intensive in labor, which is the Mexican economy," he said. "We are two complementary economies, and that phenomenon is impossible to stop."
Mexican President Felipe Calderon
It's hard to argue with either one of those statements, yet they spotlight the conundrum we face with Mexico. We've been neighbors with Canada just as long; great economic ties; yet they haven't invaded us en masse, even though some of them live in places even colder than Tug Hill.
Which is where statement number two becomes almost indisputable.
Even if you ignore NAFTA, it seems we are inextricably tied to Mexico through our economies, geography, and the growing social bonds are our cultures co-mingle.
I think we should just propose that all of the states in Mexico just become additional states in the union.
Once they all decide to join us, there are no illegal immigrants because we're all one country.
Let's face it, the English may have defeated the Spanish and the French for control of North America, but the descendants of the conquistadors are reproducing at a rate that insures they take over all of North America, including Canada, sometime in the 23rd and a half century. I'd rather have real Mexican food than Taco Bell anyway.
Their bureaucrats and politicians are like ours: a few good ones, a few bad ones, the rest are just happy to be a little fish in a big pond, albeit a well fed fish. Fish don't care what language you speak as long as they are comfy. They could all relocate to Washington D.C. where housing would go through the roof and lobbyist would enjoy a heyday unprecedented in the history of mankind.
As the Baby Boomers age, we'll take over major portions of Mexico. It's a well known fact, in some holistic quarters, that arthritis, dyspepsia and other aches and pains associated with flashbacks and lava lamps all respond to the warmth of the Mexican sun.
We could end the incredibly wasteful war on drugs, legalize pot and have national health care for everyone, even the stoners. Instead of exporting weapons to the world, we can go back to offering the four-finger, $25 ounces of Mexican dirt weed from the early 70's and live happily ever after. With Mexico, Hawaii and California we'd have the best stuff in the world and sell so much we'd have to form our own "OPEC": Organization of Pot Exporting Countries.
I know it's just a pipe dream, but who cares if you have to press #2 for English.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
It Comes As No Surprise
"Change our mindset": We shouldn't have gone to Iraq, we need to get out, we need to stop living in fear...Translation: Let's just play nice with the bullies and I just know we'll become the bestest of friends. I stopped living in fear within a few days after 9-11, and especially after my first flight after that date. If this man becomes President, I'd be ready to start fearing again - fearing what his election whould do to the morale of our Armed Forces, and fearing what his election would mean to our status as the world's sole super power. National health care at the cost of a strong military is slow suicide and application for entry into the ranks of has-been world leaders.
Health care is an issue that must be addressed, but not at the expense of a strong military.
"Bush's tax cuts for the rich": Apparently the fact that the economy could have easily tanked after 9-11, but didn't due in large part to those tax cuts, fails to register. Tax cuts equal more revenue - you don't have to have a doctorate in economics to comprehend that simple fact.
In addition to not listening to lobbyist from Exxon-Mobile and elsewhere, he's going to change things in Washington. When he's had all the bureaucrats rounded up and replaced with illegal aliens let me know - then I'll be convinced that change is on the way. I hate to disparage illegal aliens by saying they could do the job of a bureaucrat; they contribute more to our economy by just doing what they do.
So as the title indicated, no big surprise to anyone. My only hope is that John McCain's more liberal approach to immigration, national health care, and global warming will have appeal with the middle-of-the-roaders.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Shakespeare Doesn't Live Here

Monday, February 4, 2008
By Way of Explanation
My thanks to Al for pointing out the need for a bit more clarity.
So............if you are reading this, go to "Giants & Midget Minds" and begin there, working your way back to here to this post, which of course you need not read again.
But if you did come back, here's a link mentioned in the previous comments section:
There would have to be an extremely dangerous situation where I'd prefer a bomb over a breast, not that preferring the latter is without its incendiary potential as well.
The reason for posting the link is far from prurient - about 60-65% of the way through the site, look for a little old lady that could pass for Stephen King's mother, or Stephen King with a really bad boob job. I thought I was looking at a photoshop image, but if you page back up, you'll see a shot of her from behind. When I first saw that picture, I wondered what an old man was out showing his breasts for.
This was not an event staged by Hillary or her staff - let's make that perfectly clear. I can't imagine Hillary ever supporting something like that, and I can't imagine Bill ever turning it down.
Here's To Berkeley
I was always under the impression that California was made up of all kinds of people, but I didn't know it included despicable, pretentious politicians of the kind your fair city has. Your actions regarding the United States Marine Corps are reprehensible to say the least, and traitorous in the eyes of many. If it were in my power, your city would never again receive even one penny from the federal government if you enact your manifesto.
I thought cutting off your money was better than declaring martial law and letting the Marines take over, although I wouldn't be terribly bothered by that either. I think it would make for great reality TV, and just think of the money and residuals you'd get from NBC!
The United States Marines and all of our Armed Forces protect even back-stabbing quislings such as you so you can do your ignoble best. You're Americans, just not the kind I'd ever care to associate with.
With contempt,
Ben Blair
7124 Loson Road
Lowville, NY 13367
Giants & Midget Minds

Peace and Justice Commission
January 29, 2008
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Peace and Justice Commission
Submitted by:Steve Freedkin, Chairperson
Subject: Marine Recruiting Office in Berkeley
Staff time to research the City’s options for enforcing Chapter 13.28 of the Berkeley Municipal Code, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, with respect to military recruiting offices in Berkeley.
The United States has a history of launching illegal, immoral and unprovoked wars of agression and the Bush Administration launched the most recent of those wars in Iraq and is threatening the possibility of war in Iran. These wars have produced catastrophic loss of human life, both civilian and military, as well as physically maiming and deforming and psychologically destroying countless numbers of civilians and military personnel.
At the meeting of January 7, 2008, the Peace and Justice Commission approved the following motion: M/S/C (Meola/sorgen)that the Council of the City of Berkeley approve the following recommendation:
WHEREAS, the United States Marine Corps is being used as one of the means of perpetrating and prolonging illegal, unconstitutional and unnecessary wars of the United States; and
Ayes: Unanimous; Absent: Brody, Cohen, Litman, Seaton, Sherman.
The City Manager takes no position on the recommendations of the Commission. However, it is unlikely that the City has the ability to enforce Chapter 13.28 against the United States military.
Steve Freedkin, Chairperson, Peace and Justice Commission, (510) 595-4626
Robert Meola, Peace and Justice Commission, (510) 644-1102
Manuel Hector Jr., Secretary, Peace and Justice Commission, (510) 981-5110
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Lewis County & Around The World
After attending 8:15 mass with my wife, my daughter and two of my other grandchildren, we then returned home to the other two - children and grandchildren.
I thought it was time for a short vacation - even if I never left the house.
Fellow travelers in New York who have had the pleasure of driving over Rt. 177, you will immediately recognize the photo below:

The next photo could have been taken somewhere in heaven. How could there be a heaven without trees?
Now we're off to Kansas City and the coolest paint job you've ever seen on a library:
Looking at this series of four photographs of Mexico City sent thoughts racing through my mind; the predominant thought being: "God, I Love Lewis County!"
For asthetic value, the row houses below aren't bad at all; it's just the number of them, which at first seems impressive, until you get to photo #2 ...
... and you realize that being a rugged individualist at times is not all that bad. How'd you like to stagger out the door of your local mall, burdened with bundles, slapped by sleet, and whipped by the wind, and then have to try and find your car. I've been known to have logistical difficulties in WalMart parking lots for crying out loud.
Once you've located your car, snow rarely being a problem here, you can drive around town for a while, and a while, and a ......
Night time lends itself nicely to improving the look of almost anything, including me. The sad thing about that photograph is that the clouds you see, and the lights you don't see in the distance, are probably the result of smog and not a weather system. While not a proponent of Al Gore's, the need for an alternate source of energy and employing the one's we do have is imperative. That includes nuclear power, and it should also include exploring all possible reserves within and beneath our own country in my opinion, but we'll leave that for another day, I'm on my short vacation right now.
Now the picture below is obviously not a photograph, but I was there once in the 70's.
As I leave you now it is just past noon on a gray February day. When I watch my 2 year old grandson, I realize that the gray, the weather, or even the time of day are of no importance to him at all. How thankful I am that God has given me not only the grandchildren, but He also allows just a bit of that magic of youth and imagination to rub off, even if just for a while.
Have a wonderful Sunday my friends.

Friday, February 1, 2008
They Grow Fruitcakes & Peaches In Georgia
Don't we all know someone who had damn well better be served regardless of the law? I'm not necessarily talking big and husky either - diminutive and homicidal works as well. It is by no stretch of the imagination gender-specific either.
My apologies to my friend Pat in Georgia - I know there are a lot more peaches than there are fruitcakes! (Pat-just keep the apology for future use-see addendum)
Just once, wouldn't you like to get on a motorcycle, take off your helmet, drive fast, and fail to pay income taxes?
I usually opt for a four door vehicle, seat belt, and nothing that ever draws attention to my taxes - that's because my wife does them. She tells me where to sign and I do - just like I do'd almost 30 years ago now. She's the most honest person I know - believe me she can be annoyingly honest when it comes to teaching a kid a lesson. Well, me too I guess.
One thing we can both agree on though, if you can fit your butt in through the front door of any establishment in the North Country, you'll get a chair for each cheek if necessary.
ADDENDUM: I will not change the title of the post because it will serve to prove that they grow nitwits in New York, and it will also serve as a reminder to me that if I'm going post immediately upon waking up in the morning, it would be best to remove my cranial container from the aperture of my hindquarters. The law was proposed in Mississippi, not Georgia, and I have my friend Al to thank for pointing that out to me.
The Super Bowl
Enough prognosticating - here's a great Super Bowl joke I got from J.R. this morning that I wanted to share with all of you football fanatics out there:
A man had tickets for the Super Bowl, right on the 50 yard line!
As he sat down, a man came down and asked him if anyone would be sitting in the seat next to him.
"No," he said, "the seat is empty."
"This is incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggest sport event in the world, and not use it?"
Somberly, the man replied, "Well...the seat actually belongs to me. I was supposed to come here with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first Super Bowl we have not been together since we got married in 1967."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone else - a friend or relative or even a neighbor to take the seat?"
The man shakes his head, "No. They're all at the funeral."
Now that's a fan
Polling - It's Not Always What You Think It Is!

I arose this morning to take a Zogby survey that arrived in my mail yesterday, and as one would expect, the questions related to the upcoming election. There were a series of questions, one of which I have pasted below:
"Barack Obama is an African American. Thinking of how you feel personally, does the fact that he is an African American make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely or much less likely to vote for him for President?
Much more likely
Somewhat more likely
Somewhat less likely
Much less likely
Not sure"
The questions that followed offered the same responses, while the questions were changed to reflect a different candidate: Hillary/woman - McCain/old - Romney/Mormon. Just substitue the name and the aspect selected and you've got the question.
Here is a copy of the email I sent to Zogby International:
I found your questions regarding race/gender/religious affiliation/age to be offensive in nature because you failed to list a very important response that would have been checked much more frequently than "Don't Know".
How about: "Makes No Difference" as an option - the one true option that many Americans would have selected because your race, your gender, your religious affiliation, and your age are not qualifying factors as far as most educated voters are concerned.
I can understand the reason behind offering all the options you did offer - there will be voters that select their candidate based on race/gender/religion, maybe even some Gray Panthers out there who would vote for a candidate just because they've attained "senior citizen" status, but I would contend that the vast majority of Americans will vote for the person they feel is best qualified and who's policies most closely resemble their own.
By not offering a "Makes No Difference" option, you failed to allow Americans to show you how much the words "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal..." mean to them.
Shame on you!
This is only one, small example of how polls and the data they provide should all be taken with a grain of salt.
Remember when Dewey beat Truman? The picture at the top is quite famous - really kids - and it serves as a reminder that the fourth estate is comprised of human beings, subject to the same foibles as the rest of us. That was not a poll, but it was a headline based upon early results that the Chicago Daily Tribune gambled were right - but they weren't.
The next time you take a survey, look at the way the questions are phrased and see what kind of results they're really looking for, and if you see a question that is inadequate in any way - call them on it!
It may not make any difference to them, but since its your country too, you have every right to express yourself - DO IT!