A Little News

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dems & The Fairness Doctrine - Why They Can't Play Fair

The current Democrat effort to reinvent a concept that was useful 30 years ago is akin to the poor sport who owns the ball and bat, and decides to pick them up and take them home when they're losing. The only difference here - they're not losing and they very likely will make gains in 2008 - much to the detriment of this country.

In 1949 the Federal Communications Commissions determined that radio station "...licensees were 'public trustees,' and as such had an obligation to afford reasonable opportunity for discussion of contrasting points of view on controversial issues of public importance."* This concept was further extended as the popularity of television grew in the 1950's and 1960's. For those of you too young to remember, network prime time used to start at 7:00 pm. With only the three major networks to chose from, the Fairness Doctrine and the FCC's demand that stations address local concerns seemed reasonable, but as with many things that our beloved Congress attempts, the unintended consequences prevailed. With local stations now responsible for the 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm hour, our communities, to this day, continue to benefit from Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Where would we be if we didn't have folks barely smarter than a 5th grader buying vowels from Vana?

The "scarcity" of opposing views has gone by the way with the advent of cable TV-satellite TV-the internet, etc. This scarcity was the driving force behind the Fairness Doctrine, but the reasons for it's implementation have now been relegated to the junk pile of history.

So why do the Dems want to revisit this anachronism? Quite simply, talk radio speaks to the vast majority of Americans and it delivers a message contrary to their socialistic vision. It is the law of supply and demand operating at peak efficiency. Why do Air America and other liberal radio talk shows have difficulty attracting a market and making money?

They don't speak to the majority of Americans.

I love to hear pretentious representatives of the three major networks drag the Fox News Channel through the mud, because in all their bitching they just can't figure out why Fox is kicking their asses.

I think I mentioned this before, but in case a liberal has stumbled onto this blog and doesn't get it yet, here it is again:


If the poor winners get their way, their skewed vision of the Fairness Doctrine will have consequences that achieve their hidden agenda, while quashing their stated objective. There will not be greater discussion of issues. What station can afford to run 3 hours of Rush and make money, while offering 3 hours of Al Franken; losing money and listeners. Their efforts will stifle the free expression of opinion, which is their real goal.

When the talk show hosts like Rush, Glen Beck, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, etc. start expressing opinions that don't resonate with the majority of us, they'll be off the air. That's how a free market economy operates.

When the likes of John Kerry, Barbara Boxer and the Arkansas Sow start whining about conservative talk show hosts, you can bet your last dollar it has absolutely nothing to do with fairness.

The solution is obvious and simple: If you don't like what you're listening to, change the station or turn the radio/TV off. Trust me, when I found Air America on an Albany radio station, I listened briefly, got ill and tuned into Bill O'Reilly. I'd like to know who it is that's holding a gun to the heads of liberals and making them listen. And for the more intellectually challenged of our feckless brethren, it's usually the knob on the right that changes the station. Unfortunately, when a liberal operates a radio, they immediately go for the volume. We all know their playbook demands that they yell louder to drown out their opponents - that's what you have to do when history and logic dictate that your vision of the future has already failed.

* http://www.museum.tv/archives/etv/F/htmlF/fairnessdoct/fairnessdoct.htm

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Computer Withdrawal

It has been an interesting week. My job took me from Syracuse, to Binghamton, to Albany and I finally returned home last evening. After my laptop crashed a month or so back, I lost everything and got a new hard drive. Last week, the screen went out, so the IT support folks sent me a new screen, but the tech never showed up last Friday, so I had a full week of computer withdrawal, or laptop-longing. Take your pick. Next week's not looking any better, unless I try and install the screen myself.

For those who are unaware of my mechanical aptitude, I need only refer you to that standard test they administer at some point in your high school career. Ranked in the lower 21 percentile, everything from click pens to child-proof caps have offered me challenges that have kept my humility levels in check. Since those early days of marriage some 29 years ago, my lovely wife is usually in complete agreement with my philosophy of repair work, whether it be mechanical, electrical or any other type of ....cal:


Here are a few things to keep an eye on:

The failure of Air America, the attempt by George Soros and others to promote liberal ideology, has the Dem's ready to pass legislation designed not to promote free speech, but to restrict it. The beauty of a free market economy is that we, the people, have the power to impact what we hear - listen or turn the damn radio off. Try listening to NPR (National Public Radio) sometime and tell me, with a straight face, that they offer a fair and balanced perspective on America. NPR is a mouth piece for the liberal agenda, paid for, in part, by our tax dollars. Don't let the liberals fool you, their is nothing "fair" in what they're trying to do.

H.R. 800
In case you don't know what this piece of crap legislation is about, it's labor's attempt to remove anonymity from the voting process. Instead of having a secret ballot when employees determine whether or not they want to be part of a union, this legislation would make their votes public knowledge. With union membership in a 50 year decline, unions have the Dems where they need them, licking their boots for all of the money the unions provide them for their liberal agenda. Talk about quid pro quo. The unions were the ones who initially demanded a secret ballot as a means of avoiding undue pressure on the workers from those dreaded boogers in management. Now, when they feel it's to their benefit, they want to do away with secret ballots and subject workers to union intimidation. Is it just me, or does doing away with secret ballots seem un-American? Seems to me this is the type of voting process that Uncle Joe Stalin would have loved.

Once again, this paragon of presidential perfidy has opened his yap and reaffirmed his position as the worst President in history. Throwing his support to Hamas and their penchant for violence, he has proven the wisdom of his predecessors who had the courtesy and respect for their office to keep their mouths shut once they left the office. When we are finally subjected to round the clock coverage of his state funeral, it will be darn near impossible not to hear the millions of sighs of relief that will be exhaled across this nation.

The beauty of having the Arkansas Sow run for President is that she's not in New York screwing things up. Not that she every really gave a crap about upstate New York, but at least now we don't have to hear her lie about how much she cares. There is only one thing Hillary cares about: Hillary. As it becomes painfully clearer that she will be the Democrat nominee, I take solace in the fact that the country survived Warren Harding, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, and we stand a good chance of surviving President Rodham.

One final note - the budget deficit has been cut in half again this fiscal year due to the influx of tax dollars. Where did these dollars come from? They came from those Americans who took advantage of President Bush's tax cuts, invested in this country's economy, then prospered. President Kennedy managed to do the same thing in the early 60's with tax cuts, a fact that seems to escape toady's Dem's. Unless our beloved legislators get there act together and make these tax cuts permanent, when they expire, look for the economy to tank again.

Well, I think I'll take a shot at installing that new screen. I got a new hammer and a new roll of duct tape for Father's Day, so I'm ready to rock!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Summer Colds & Other Headaches

Bronchitis paid a visit early Sunday morning, fever and all. Coughing so hard my stomach muscles ache and sleep is at a premium. After not moving from bed on Monday, I finally made it to see the doctor on Tuesday, and received numerous medications. Having been advised that one of them could make it a little difficult for me to sleep, I begin this blog at 6:48 am on Wednesday morning, having become personally familiar with the difference between "a little difficult" and "no way Jose". Having also been visited by the Curmudgeon Fairy, I post fair warning:


The only thing more immoral and disgusting than the actions of D.A. Mike Niphong in the groundless Duke rape case, were the actions of the administration and some of the faculty at Duke. 88 faculty members endorsed an ad last April in the campus newspaper that included quotes, all of them anonymous of course, regarding racism and sexual assault on campus. The lacrosse coach is fired, their lacrosse season is canceled, and three young men learn that in the supposed bastion of free speech and constitutional democracy, you can be guilty until proven innocent. Way to go Blue Devils!

Then we have the epitome of gall, District of Columbia administrative hearings judge, Roy Pearson, who filed the $65 million dollar lawsuit over a pair of missing pants. He has since seen fit to reduce the amount to $54 million, but that's not because the pants were found and returned, that's because his attorney (himself) felt that the initial request was perhaps a bit too high. I can't go into further detail at this point because the Curmudgeon Fairy doesn't like it when I cross over into Hypertension Land. Here's a link to story on Fox:

Suffice it to say that after the good judge cried on the stand, he leaves little doubt that he is a few meds short of happy. To paraphrase a Johnny Cochran line, "If the pants fit, who gives a S***!"

Nancy Pelosi promised transparency when dealing with "earmarks", or as we used to call it "pork". As is the wont of any politician skilled in obfuscation, she now would appreciate it if the media referred to it as discretionary congressional budget items, or some such drivel. Although there are projects that are important to infrastructure, economic growth and other noble ideas in the 36,000 earmarks submitted this year, there are also those brain storms that used to earn Sen. Willaim Proxmire's "Golden Fleece Award". The Democrat Senator from Wisconsin passed away in December of last year, but his concept of the "Golden Fleece Award" is being carried on by groups such as Citizens Against Government Waste and others. Contrary to how they said things would be done, Chairman Obey has decided that the list will be published after recess, giving lawmakers time to review the requests over August. They can then submit written protests against any earmark they perceive as frivolous, but Chairman Obey, and he alone, will decide if the pork goes or stays. Without these re-election funds - oh, sorry, I meant to say earmarks, many of our fine legislators might not keep their seats. Check out the State of West Virginia and see just how many roads, buildings, bridges, etc. bear the name of Sen. Robert Byrd. My fellow conservatives would be well advised to remember that ALL politicians take advantage of this - remember Sen. Ted Steven's, R-Alaska, and his bridge to no where?

There certainly is transparency in Washington - we can see right through the lies. Perhaps if a majority of our elected representatives didn't feel so superior to the rest of us, they might be able to treat us with the honesty and respect we deserve.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Last Time I Saw Paris

If this were the 1950's, we'd either be talking about the movie, The Last Time I Saw Paris, which starred Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson (yup - the same guy from the Van Halen video - remember?), or we'd be talking about the theme song from that movie - same name - that was written by Oscar Hammerstein II and Jerome Kern. They also wrote a few other songs you might be familiar with, but that's for another time.

It is 2007, and the last time we saw Paris, she was crying "Mommy" and suffering from shock as the silver spoon was forcibly removed from the aperture directly below her praetorian nose.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather listen to Hillary do her best "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" Southern dialect again then to have to endure any further reporting on Paris-freakin'-Hilton. Maybe that's because, as the father of three daughters, I've been there, done that, and I'm absolutely certain that if one her parents had taken the time to warm up her ass for her in her formative years, she'd be a slightly more productive member of society.

I made my share of mistakes, the biggest being over-protective, especially when it came to dealing with the law. I paid fines, paid for lawyers, did my best to keep them out of jail - all because I thought that's what a Dad should do. Initially, I was okay, but when you find yourself doing it again and again, it's time to wise up and remember that the best way to learn is from your mistakes.

If you're not learning from your mistakes, you're either relatively stupid or someone is mediating your consequences. I guess the real trick is knowing when to mediate and when to let the hammer fall. In the case of the Hilton's, you kind of get the feeling that Mom and Dad should be sharing cells that adjoin Paris - but in the general population, not set off somewhere by themselves.

One other aspect of this entire tragic comedy is the time the media devotes to it. A few months and substantial millions from now, Paris Hilton will once again be covered by everyone from the journalistic elite to the grocery store gossip rags, and stories of far greater social value will find their way to the back pages or not be mentioned at all.

Geez, I'm starting to sound like Al Franken - somebody help me - please - before it's too late!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Where Did The Story Go?

As a creature of habit, I almost always go directly to "The Drudge Report" every morning. I like the format, and I really like the wide variety of columnists and links to news websites around the world. One of the items I read last night was a report by Brian Ross of ABC News. This report indicates that they have proof that Iran is supplying arms to the Taliban.


When I went onto The Drudge Report this morning, the story was gone, so I went to ABC News for the link above. ABC News is not one of the sites I check on a regular basis, just every now and then to see what they have to say.

The only real news here is that ABC is reporting this. The only interesting thing about it is all of the comments that attend the report. It's almost like watching a nest full of hatchlings turn psycho and start attacking Mama Bird. As far as some of the liberals are concerned, ABC News is now part of the military-industrial war machine that supports George Bush and supported his lies that got us into Iraq.

I'm sure George Bush will be surprised to hear that.

You have to be rather obtuse to believe, even for a second, that Iran is not fighting a proxy war against the West in Afghanistan and Iraq. I say "the West" because NATO forces are in Afghanistan, and as much as the liberals will deny it, we do have a coalition of forces in Iraq as well. When a mouthpiece they previously considered as one of their own starts to provide information contrary to the news they are expected to report (IE: gloom & doom), then it's time to trash them and "move on" to the next sycophantic site.

And least the left be the lone loons sighted on the site, the lightning bolt throwers are represented there as well. Nuke 'em, blow 'em up ... these are the cogent concepts provided by some of our brethren. There are a few level-headed, reasoned comments, but it seems that most people with insight and comprehension don't bother to take the time to respond to the wing nuts from both sides.

There should be no doubt in any one's mind what the objectives of Iran are. How many times does Ahmahdinejad have to tell us that Israel will be wiped off the map before we realize that this whack-job means exactly what he says? If you think Iran is pursuing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, you've been drinking kool aid with Cindy Sheehan far too long.

Before the end of George Bush's term in office, there will be action one way or the other regarding Iran. Either sanctions and diplomacy will bring them to their senses, or military action will be required. If we wait, and do nothing, we face the daunting prospect of a mushroom cloud on the horizon. If, as many experts predict, a Democrat is elected President, it is even more imperative that we act.

If it is left up to a new Democrat administration to act, all I can say is "Remember Pearl Harbor".

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Show Me The Taxes

The Green Party in Canada has proposed a 12 cent per liter tax to help avert a global disaster.


This carbon tax will help reduce automobile use - which is ridiculous, but that's not even the best part.

"We will use those carbon taxes to reduce taxes elsewhere."

Those are the words of Elizabeth May, the leader of The Green Party. Of all the stories I've read today, this one at least made me chuckle.

Anytime, any politician, anywhere, tells you that one tax will be used to reduce another, you can bet they inhaled at one time or another.

After I finished the chuckle, I realized that it won't be long before someone proposes the same stupid idea here. Local, state, federal - remember the days when you could actually see what the tax portion of the gas price was?

We, the sheep, don't know how baaaaaaadly we are being fleeced, but you have to wonder if we'd do much about it even if we did. My guess is, if we were forced to look at just how much we are being taxed every time we pull up to the pump, we'd be less inclined to act like sheep.

Maybe we could even start acting like Americans, regardless of our party, and start demanding that more of our hard earned money stay in our pockets, not in theirs!

From Bush to Pelosi, from Spitzer on down; show us the taxes at the pump and let's see how long those taxes keep rising when the re-election blues return.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ronald Reagan vs. John Edwards

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan died on June 5, 2004, and this country lost one of it's greatest presidents. It was usually a pleasure listening to him speak, because his optimism and love for his country shone through in everything he did. When you watch almost any of his movies, you are assured of one thing - he wasn't a good enough actor to have played the role of president without really feeling and believing everything he said.

And then we have the likes of John Edwards. His suggestion that the "War on Terror" is only a bumper sticker slogan is probably the dumbest thing I've heard recently. Just in case there's someone reading this who actually thinks this puddin' head has a point, may I refer you to this website:


You'll be able to see how the radical proponents of Islam train their followers to torture. I'd love to have someone from the ACLU go through an interrogation at Gitmo, and then experience an Al Quada interrogation. Maybe they wouldn't be so predisposed to take a dump on the United States every time they open their mouths.

One other quick note - thanks to both of the folks who left messages. One agrees that radical Islam is a dire threat, while the other person felt that Hugo Chavez became president in an election that was fairer than the one George Bush won, and that he was a friend of the people.

Comments like that, those of John Edwards, and the recent arrests for plots in New Jersey and New York, serve to remind us that we have to remain vigilant, and never forget that there are plenty of home grown terrorists that want to do harm to this country as well. When the next attack comes, as it surely will, I hope someone drags John Edward's sorry ass to the attack site and then asks him to repeat his assertion that the War on Terror is just a bumper sticker slogan.