A Little News

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Where Did The Story Go?

As a creature of habit, I almost always go directly to "The Drudge Report" every morning. I like the format, and I really like the wide variety of columnists and links to news websites around the world. One of the items I read last night was a report by Brian Ross of ABC News. This report indicates that they have proof that Iran is supplying arms to the Taliban.


When I went onto The Drudge Report this morning, the story was gone, so I went to ABC News for the link above. ABC News is not one of the sites I check on a regular basis, just every now and then to see what they have to say.

The only real news here is that ABC is reporting this. The only interesting thing about it is all of the comments that attend the report. It's almost like watching a nest full of hatchlings turn psycho and start attacking Mama Bird. As far as some of the liberals are concerned, ABC News is now part of the military-industrial war machine that supports George Bush and supported his lies that got us into Iraq.

I'm sure George Bush will be surprised to hear that.

You have to be rather obtuse to believe, even for a second, that Iran is not fighting a proxy war against the West in Afghanistan and Iraq. I say "the West" because NATO forces are in Afghanistan, and as much as the liberals will deny it, we do have a coalition of forces in Iraq as well. When a mouthpiece they previously considered as one of their own starts to provide information contrary to the news they are expected to report (IE: gloom & doom), then it's time to trash them and "move on" to the next sycophantic site.

And least the left be the lone loons sighted on the site, the lightning bolt throwers are represented there as well. Nuke 'em, blow 'em up ... these are the cogent concepts provided by some of our brethren. There are a few level-headed, reasoned comments, but it seems that most people with insight and comprehension don't bother to take the time to respond to the wing nuts from both sides.

There should be no doubt in any one's mind what the objectives of Iran are. How many times does Ahmahdinejad have to tell us that Israel will be wiped off the map before we realize that this whack-job means exactly what he says? If you think Iran is pursuing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, you've been drinking kool aid with Cindy Sheehan far too long.

Before the end of George Bush's term in office, there will be action one way or the other regarding Iran. Either sanctions and diplomacy will bring them to their senses, or military action will be required. If we wait, and do nothing, we face the daunting prospect of a mushroom cloud on the horizon. If, as many experts predict, a Democrat is elected President, it is even more imperative that we act.

If it is left up to a new Democrat administration to act, all I can say is "Remember Pearl Harbor".

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