A Little News

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Computer Withdrawal

It has been an interesting week. My job took me from Syracuse, to Binghamton, to Albany and I finally returned home last evening. After my laptop crashed a month or so back, I lost everything and got a new hard drive. Last week, the screen went out, so the IT support folks sent me a new screen, but the tech never showed up last Friday, so I had a full week of computer withdrawal, or laptop-longing. Take your pick. Next week's not looking any better, unless I try and install the screen myself.

For those who are unaware of my mechanical aptitude, I need only refer you to that standard test they administer at some point in your high school career. Ranked in the lower 21 percentile, everything from click pens to child-proof caps have offered me challenges that have kept my humility levels in check. Since those early days of marriage some 29 years ago, my lovely wife is usually in complete agreement with my philosophy of repair work, whether it be mechanical, electrical or any other type of ....cal:


Here are a few things to keep an eye on:

The failure of Air America, the attempt by George Soros and others to promote liberal ideology, has the Dem's ready to pass legislation designed not to promote free speech, but to restrict it. The beauty of a free market economy is that we, the people, have the power to impact what we hear - listen or turn the damn radio off. Try listening to NPR (National Public Radio) sometime and tell me, with a straight face, that they offer a fair and balanced perspective on America. NPR is a mouth piece for the liberal agenda, paid for, in part, by our tax dollars. Don't let the liberals fool you, their is nothing "fair" in what they're trying to do.

H.R. 800
In case you don't know what this piece of crap legislation is about, it's labor's attempt to remove anonymity from the voting process. Instead of having a secret ballot when employees determine whether or not they want to be part of a union, this legislation would make their votes public knowledge. With union membership in a 50 year decline, unions have the Dems where they need them, licking their boots for all of the money the unions provide them for their liberal agenda. Talk about quid pro quo. The unions were the ones who initially demanded a secret ballot as a means of avoiding undue pressure on the workers from those dreaded boogers in management. Now, when they feel it's to their benefit, they want to do away with secret ballots and subject workers to union intimidation. Is it just me, or does doing away with secret ballots seem un-American? Seems to me this is the type of voting process that Uncle Joe Stalin would have loved.

Once again, this paragon of presidential perfidy has opened his yap and reaffirmed his position as the worst President in history. Throwing his support to Hamas and their penchant for violence, he has proven the wisdom of his predecessors who had the courtesy and respect for their office to keep their mouths shut once they left the office. When we are finally subjected to round the clock coverage of his state funeral, it will be darn near impossible not to hear the millions of sighs of relief that will be exhaled across this nation.

The beauty of having the Arkansas Sow run for President is that she's not in New York screwing things up. Not that she every really gave a crap about upstate New York, but at least now we don't have to hear her lie about how much she cares. There is only one thing Hillary cares about: Hillary. As it becomes painfully clearer that she will be the Democrat nominee, I take solace in the fact that the country survived Warren Harding, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, and we stand a good chance of surviving President Rodham.

One final note - the budget deficit has been cut in half again this fiscal year due to the influx of tax dollars. Where did these dollars come from? They came from those Americans who took advantage of President Bush's tax cuts, invested in this country's economy, then prospered. President Kennedy managed to do the same thing in the early 60's with tax cuts, a fact that seems to escape toady's Dem's. Unless our beloved legislators get there act together and make these tax cuts permanent, when they expire, look for the economy to tank again.

Well, I think I'll take a shot at installing that new screen. I got a new hammer and a new roll of duct tape for Father's Day, so I'm ready to rock!

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