A Little News

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It Comes As No Surprise

I listened to Senator Obama give his stump speech in Madison, WI - at least as much as it took to settle the issue: He would be a much bigger mistake than Hillary.

"Change our mindset": We shouldn't have gone to Iraq, we need to get out, we need to stop living in fear...Translation: Let's just play nice with the bullies and I just know we'll become the bestest of friends. I stopped living in fear within a few days after 9-11, and especially after my first flight after that date. If this man becomes President, I'd be ready to start fearing again - fearing what his election whould do to the morale of our Armed Forces, and fearing what his election would mean to our status as the world's sole super power. National health care at the cost of a strong military is slow suicide and application for entry into the ranks of has-been world leaders.

Health care is an issue that must be addressed, but not at the expense of a strong military.

"Bush's tax cuts for the rich": Apparently the fact that the economy could have easily tanked after 9-11, but didn't due in large part to those tax cuts, fails to register. Tax cuts equal more revenue - you don't have to have a doctorate in economics to comprehend that simple fact.

In addition to not listening to lobbyist from Exxon-Mobile and elsewhere, he's going to change things in Washington. When he's had all the bureaucrats rounded up and replaced with illegal aliens let me know - then I'll be convinced that change is on the way. I hate to disparage illegal aliens by saying they could do the job of a bureaucrat; they contribute more to our economy by just doing what they do.

So as the title indicated, no big surprise to anyone. My only hope is that John McCain's more liberal approach to immigration, national health care, and global warming will have appeal with the middle-of-the-roaders.

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