A Little News

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Who's Your Choice for McCain's Veep?

I took another poll the other day, and one of the questions was, "Who would you select as John McCain's running mate?" There was a list of about 20 people, some I knew, some I didn't, but one name jumped off the page at me: Condi Rice.

It's almost too easy to pick her. A highly intelligent, well spoken black female who may even draw away votes from Obama simply because of her gender and skin color. That's a sad commentary on how some of us vote I think, but it exists and to deny it is to deny the reality of politics in this country.

If you think things like that aren't taken in to consideration, you don't know politics very well.

That is only a fraction of the overall consideration however. From everything I've seen of Ms. Rice, she is tough when she needs to be and is not afraid of mixing it up with the big boys. With the expertise that she's gained as Secretary of State, she would be able to fill the role of Vice-President as a true asset, not just a figurehead for ceremonies. John McCain's age and health do not present a problem as far as I'm concerned, but one never knows when the bell tolls for thee. Having a younger VP with talent and leadership ability is also part of the equation.

It would also be interesting to see the manner in which the mainstream media treats her. Do you think the NY Times would do a hatchet piece on her like they did on McCain earlier this week? William Randolph Hearst had nothing on Mr. Sulzberger when it comes to yellow journalism, but I don't think they'd be quite as hasty to print innuendo and supposition about Condolezza Rice.

So who's your choice? What do they bring to the table?

Feel free to share your opinions.


Anonymous said...

BEN-VENISTE: Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the August 6 PDB warned against possible attacks in this country? And I ask you whether you recall the title of that PDB?

RICE: I believe the title was, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States."

Enough said about Dr. Rice.

Watson said...

Come on Al - she can't learn anything in seven years? When you drag up the past on a point like that, you'll usually get a list of Clinton's failures in getting Bin Laden - neither of which serve any purpose anymore.

The pieces of the puzzle were there, but our intelligence and law enforcement people couldn't share information with each other - remember the reaction to the Pentagon Papers and Senator Frank Church?

At least they can communicate with each other now, although they have a lot less to talk about since no one seems to think FISA is important.

To just say "Enough said about Dr. Rice" after a one sentence reply seems a rather shallow analysis for you.

Anonymous said...

Did Bush learn anything in seven years? Is it unfair for Democrats to bring up the Bush administration record when they campaign? Discussing the Bush record or the Rice record serves no purpose? Then on what do you base your vote?

How is FISA not important? Nothing has changed about FISA Watson, nothing. FISA is still operating the way it has been since the seventies. I think what you meant to say is that no one thinks immunity for giant telecoms is important.

You really want a further analysis of Dr. Rice? Really? Ignoring a warning that led to the 9/11 attacks really wasn't something worth bringing up is it?

Anonymous said...

The guy I would love to see, but it will never happen, is Colin Powell. I just wish he stuck around a little longer, IMO he had a future.

Anonymous said...

I realized that we were going to war with Iraq when Colin Powell spoke to the UN using words even he regrets now. I have now have issues with his judgement. Besides, he is probably way too moderate for most Republicans, they need a gospel singing, evangelical, evolution hating, tax cutting, immigrant bashing, candidate for VP in order to balance out McCain.

Anonymous said...

Kinky Friedman - he would bring that much sought Jewish Cowboy vote. And would bring dignity back to cigars in the white house.

Watson said...


I didn't mean we shouldn't consider the record of the Bush administration, nor should we disregard any of Dr. Rice's actions or statements. I just think its fair to place the blame on anyone's shoulders - there's enough blame to go around for everyone - including each of us for complacency.

I think Colin Powell is out of politics for good, and I think it has as much to do with his wife as it does the damage to his credibility.

"...they need a gospel singing, evangelical, evolution hating, tax cutting, immigrant bashing, candidate..."

What do you have against gospel singers?

Watson said...

I omitted the word "don't" between the words "I" and "just" in sentence #2. I watched a special on Pearl Harbor the other night. Admiral Kimmel and General Short remain the only two officers court martialed for failure to perform duty. Where was the impeachment of FDR? Why wasn't General Marshall court martialed as the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? When the crap hits the fan, we always need someone to blame, a focus for our anger. It's not fair, I guess it's just the way of humans.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoops! I Meant Borat!

Anonymous said...

Neither Short or Kimmel were court marshalled. They were forced to retire in early 1942.