A Little News

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Berkeley Follies

Apparently I wasn't the only person who decided to fire off an email to the Berkeley Common Council. Even if you supported their efforts to urinate on the United States Marine Corps, you have to be amazed at the lack of backbone these elected cowards have.

Toledo wants to kick the Marine reserves out and some nitwits in Colorado who should be paying attention to potholes want to impeach Bush & Cheney. You're against the war - we get it - but you're against our soldiers too? Didn't you learn anything from the way we treated our soldiers after Vietnam?

Not to worry though, the dedicated parking spot for the screech owls from Code Pink is still there and they can use their bullhorn to scream their garbage. I just wish they had the opportunity to do it some where in Iraq or Afghanistan with the Marines not around to protect their sorry butts.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you ought to do a post reminding how well G.W. Bush and the conservatives have treated our military. Or would that be too painful? No adequate healthcare, overlong deployments, inadequate after war planning, no armor, no uparmored vehicles, renigning on combat pay....yeah, I guess it is painful. Just who is pissing on our military?

Watson said...

I've been to the VA Hospital in Syracuse and the care there seemed pretty fair. That was for my father-in-law and my Dad - I did not serve in the military - I was a liberal entering college in 1969.

To suggest that the Bush Administration didn't try to do their best goes against human nature, regardless of your politics. Mistakes have been made, and will continue to be made regardless of the administration.

There's a story today on Newzjunky about inadequate mental health care at Fort Drum. As to extended stays; it's a volunteer army and the life of a soldier.

Your aim to suggest that the Bush Administration pisses on our soldiers more than the Berkeley City Council suggests that in a public restroom, it's probably best not to stand next to you without appropriate splash protection.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, liberals didn't serve during the Vietnam War right? I graduated college in 1971. I demonstrated against the Vietnam War in Washington DC in the big March in 1970. I enlisted in the US Navy a month after I graduated college. Please don't use the excuse that you didn't join the military during Vietnam because you were a liberal. A lot of good liberals served and a lot of good liberals died. A lot of liberals didn't serve and then became conservatives and chickenhawks. Tell the soldiers at Walter Reed about the great medical care. Can't blame Bush for not understanding that there would be problems in Iraq after we invaded? Just who can we blame then? Isn't that his job? Didn't the same problems occur in that neck of the woods in past history? Yeah, having mental problems in the military is just part of the job. Accept it, don't complain. Damn you conservatives make me sick. Do you have to launder that flag you wrap yourself in often?

Watson said...

Point well taken. The crosses in Arlington make no mention of political party and it was unfair to hint that liberalism was the sole reason I didn't serve. My number was 125, so I was 1A for a few months, but circumstances led to my now beautiful 38 year old daughter and marriage, that's the major reason I didn't serve.

The point I was trying to make, and obviously did not do a good job of making it, is that everyone is human, doing the best they can as they see fit. You get to hold that person responsible via the vote.

As a Vietnam veteran, or as a veteran of WWII and Korea like my Dad, or a veteran of any kind, you deserve the best this country can provide you with. To suggest that any politician doesn't care is silly - to say that they haven't done their jobs properly is not only fair, but accurate in this case.

It seems to me that the most often heard phrase when trying to denigrate a conservative is the "wrap yourself in the flag" crap. I can assure you that it is not taken as an insult; to me it's a perspective on the country I love that is optimistic, proud of where we've come from, but not too proud to admit when you're wrong; it's the history of us with all of it's pits, zits and blemishes for all to see. And that's the best part of the whole darn thing.

Geez, I hope I didn't make you sick again.

Anonymous said...

As a Marine Vietnam vet I feel Bush lied to us about Iraq and I opppose the war but I will always support the troops. As far as the people from Berkley and Toledo, they are whack jobs but also I fought to give them their freedom of speech

Watson said...

Thanks for your service Scoop. I believe it was a combination of faulty intelligence and cherry-picking whatever supports your position, a practice not unheard of in politics. The Bush haters, and I'm not saying you are one, like to have it both ways:
1.) This guy is so stupid he can't walk and chew gum at the same time and can only be understood when Dick Cheney tells him what to say.
2.) He's devious - he lied to us

Bill Clinton lied to us - we have video proof of that.

Franklin Roosevelt told the American people he'd keep them out of another European war, while doing every thing in his power to get involved and help Great Britain. Father Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh and other leaders of the isolationist movement had enough followers so that Roosevelt couldn't tell the American people what he was doing - retrospect tells us he was right.

I'm not saying that retrospect will treat George Bush any kindlier than the current day mainstream press, I just don't believe that he intentionally, purposefully lied to get us into a war. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but the sincerity of his faith leads me to believe he would not do other than speak what he believed to be the truth.

Anonymous said...

Comparing the lies of ANY previous president with the number of lies that G.W. has told is absurd. This guy cannot open his mouth without lying. Of course his excuse is that he is just trying to protect us. Look at the lies he is currently spouting about the Protect America Act. If we don't give Telecoms immunity for breaking the law, the "terrists are gonna git us". Bush is stupid, he did lie us into war not because he is devious but he was a tool of the neocons and Dick Cheney. But I guess I'm just unpatriotic.

Watson said...

Al - you are a patriot - you love this country, you just hate George Bush, as is your perogative. I don't believe the comparison of lies told by other Presidents is invalid - it only serves to illustrate that at some points in history, a leader has to do what he sees his duty to be, regardless of the consequences. That's what we elect them to do - lead, not follow, be proactive rather than reactive, and if they don't do it to our satisfaction, we vote them out. Enough of the American people believed to re-elect the President, and in November we'll find out if the American people are ready to stand up to Islamofacism, or if they just want to forget about it because we haven't been attacked in 7 years.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange how a post pointing out the absurdity of the F**ked up Berzerkeley City councils' abhorrent behaviour and becomes a diatribe against W. Here again is a link to the photos from Zombie, who lives in the area and documents berkeley happenings.
The majority of the protesters are Jr. & Sr. High school students. These kids don't know shit from shinola about the political world.
