A Little News

Monday, November 26, 2007

It's Still The Border - It's Still The Law

It has been suggested by some that I am a racist. Apparently my stance on immigration left some people feeling I was guilty of employing subtle racism.

As anyone who knows me will tell you, the color of your skin, your religion, your ethnicity, your gender, even your politics are not how I consider anyone. The kind of person you are means everything - just as it does to all of you in your everyday lives. People that you meet face to face are subject to your evaluation, whether you consciously think of it as such or not.

Here, prioritized no less, are my abhorrent views on immigration:

1.) We have been a nation of immigrants from the start, and we will always be a nation that welcomes those who wish to become one of us - an American. If you feel it necessary to apologize to Native Americans for what happened, I won't stop you, but I won't join you either. Different time, different values, and if you feel superior by denigrating the actions that created America, you can have my share of guilt too if it makes you feel better. The possibility that we are one man-made or celestial disaster away from the return of "might makes right" seldom occurs to the civilized sophisticates of today.

2.) We must secure our borders first. Apparently the President and 99% of the politicians in this country haven't been listening to what the majority of Americans want when it comes to immigration. We want secure borders first and foremost.

If you haven't heard of or read the story in the Washington Times, then you owe it to yourself to check this story out. I first heard about it on Fox News, then got to the article link through the Drudge Report. Here's the link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071126/NATION/111260034/1001

For as little as $20,000, drug lords have apparently already helped some terrorists cross into this country, a mere 20 miles from Fort Huachuca, the largest intelligence training center the Army has. I know, it could happen on the Canadian border as well. However, if you wish to be pragmatic and intellectually honest, the Mexican border is the priority. To suggest otherwise is nonsense.

Let's pretend for a moment that Henry Waxman says he has proof that this was all a "wag the dog" effort by Dick Cheney, and that's why he's got an irregular heartbeat.

We're still left with all the nightmarish possibilities the human mind is capable of conceiving; we're still left with drug lords that supply the vast majority of cocaine, methamphetamine, pot and heroin to the US; we're still left facing a country that assists its citizens in illegally crossing the border, while the corruption of government does nothing to address the issues that force their citizens to leave in the first place, and we're still left holding the bag in terms of medical costs, jail costs, education costs, court costs, etc. for those who have broken the law in order to get here. I don't know about you, but I'm paying all the freaking taxes I can stand right now!

3.) Create a guest worker program & fine/jail employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. People of good conscience occupy both sides of the aisles, so a workable program is possible. Blanket amnesty didn't work when President Reagan tried it, and it won't work now either. Gang bangers, anyone with a felony conviction - these folks need to experience jails in their country of origin at the expense of their fellow citizens.

The objective of any immigrant should be to become an American. This current "diversity" drive is rampant in corporate boardrooms, blooming with verbal fertilizer in academia, and hailed by the media as a panacea for the soul of the nation.

I'm in favor of starting up the melting pot again. The first ones in would be the secular progressives and the cowpies at the ACLU. They won't melt, they won't go away, and they won't be injured in any way, but their hot air and BS gets the water to a boiling temperature much faster than wood. Next, we mix in all the legal immigrants who are working towards American citizenship. They want to be in the pot anyway - that's why they came here.

Next, we'll work in those who may have come here illegally, but have stayed out of trouble, raised a family, and have learned, or are trying to learn, how to speak English. Please insert accusations of racism here, the same way some black people do to Bill Cosby when he tells them that black children should be learning how to speak English properly in order to succeed - not Ebonics.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with honoring your heritage. My mother's side were the Bailey's, my father's the Blair's, and if you go back far enough, according to Mr. Darwin, I have relatives that still swing in trees. I hate to toss out a softball like that, but I do enjoy giving you an easy target from time to time.

Finding a workable immigration program should be child's play to our skilled politicians. Acting like children has been the modus operandi of the current Congress, and I don't expect much will happen on the immigration front next year either. The Republicans will tout their milquetoast efforts, and the Democrats will try and please everyone by saying and doing nothing of substance.

It's a hell of a way to run a hot dog stand isn't it? There isn't enough mustard in the world to cover all the wiener-whiners in Washington D.C.

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