A Little News

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

If We Can't Spank Our Kids - Politicians Will Do

When I first heard the story of the Massachusetts legislator who proposed an Anti-Spanking bill, I sloughed it off as just another chapter in liberal-land East. Then I learned that since the 1970's, starting with Sweden, 16 countries now ban any form of corporal punishment. From the heart of liberalism, Boston, the following link provides proof that there are still people capable of cogent thought in Massachusetts:


Let's start with my Dad. I got a few spankings, a lot fewer than what I deserved, but they served their purpose, as well as my Dad's. There was this damn little bird that always told him what we'd done during the day, so just the threat of hearing: "Go down to the cellar!" was oft times enough to forestall the harebrained scheme of the day. Remind me to tell you about the time my brother and I were playing with matches. We were across the road in a little depression with pine needles piled . . . we'll stop there - it's still a painful memory. Not because we got spankings, but because we couldn't play baseball for 2 weeks in the summer! I would have rather had an ass whoopin' every day during that 2 week period if I could have still played baseball.

Now, as far as spanking my kids, I was faced with two very distinctive attitudes towards spanking from Beth and Carissa.

All I had to do was look at Beth and tell her I was going to spank her, and she'd have her back in a corner, pleading for me not to spank her. I never did have to spank her much; I wound up laughing too hard.

Now Carissa was a totally different animal. She was determined never to show pain or cry as long as I was around. I got so sick of hearing "Go ahead and spank me - you can't hurt me!" that I found it pointless to threaten her with spanking anymore. I hate losing to a six year old.

If you're ready for European style socialism here in America, you'll appreciate this post from another site that I'm going to share with you:

If your 3 year old tries to repeatedly climb on a hot stove and you spank him, the state can come in and take your child away because you spanked him.

If you don't spank him and he subsequently burns himself, the state comes in and takes him because you're an unfit parent.

Why not just have the state take all children at birth? They can raise them, train them to be good little socialists, and free up more time for Mommy and Daddy to save the whales.

Please note that I am being entirely facetious, but you get the point.

Actually, I'd be just fine with an anti-spanking law, as long as we, the people, get to spank them, the politicians. It wouldn't have to be anything other than a one day national holiday - we could call it National Paddle Your Politician day. You get one whack at your least favorite politician, which of course would mean that George Bush would be serving the rest of his term standing. Hillary would be whiney, but eventually take the licks because it's worth the power. Her husband, on the other hand, would be absolutely thrilled because spanking usually costs him a little extra.


Anonymous said...

Wait, shouldn't the idiot that leaves a child alone around a hot stove be the one that is spanked?

Anonymous said...

I know you are in the Ignore (hate)Science Club, but all valid research into corporal punishment and children indicates that physical violence is not only not ineffective, but harmful.
You're a sad case, Watson in the Adirondacks to protest child protection, with that ol'red herring Socialism.
How do you sleep at night with all those Socialists under your bed?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double negative.

Watson said...

You are apparently aren't aware of the meaning of the word facetious, and you obviously have a limited sense of humor, but that's okay, God still loves you.
I sleep just fine because socialism, while still a breathing entity, will fall away along with communism and any other form of government that restricts the freedoms of individuals.
As far as your assertion that all valid research shows that physical violence is ineffective, please site your case studies and where you developed this earth-shaking insight, or we can just go on assuming that you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, which is the only logical conclusion one can reach by reading any of your posts. Are you over 12?

Anonymous said...

You know how to google, look it up yourself.

I said VALID research. You don't site refrences for all your outlandish claims, like "The vast majority [of the left] have never watched FOX NEWS".

I'm sure you would side with the religious evangelical researchers who offer the same science to justify beating children as they use for the claims that the world is 7,000 years old and humans lived with dinasaurs. The Bible, and the Flintstones.

We could discuss this until the cows come home and it would end in "Well my daddy whooped me and I turned out alright". I know you authoritarian personalities. You think common sense is science.

Bottom line: Solving problems with violence and force rather than applying rationality and intellect causes as many problems as it solves. The prisons are full of people who were taught to solve problems with brute force and violence.

But I don't want to get started on Bush and his pack of NEOCON criminals.

Watson said...

Dear Dave:

I don't know how the world began, and neither do you - fact.

I believe that a superior being, who most of us call God, had a hand in the creation of this universe - you apparently believe we began from nothing at all. It's all a matter of choice - if one prefers being an atheist, that's their choice, but I prefer to believe that God had a hand in there somewhere. Science does not negate the existence of God - at least it didn't as far as Albert Einstein was concerned:

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

No loving parent uses violence as an everyday tool to raise their children. Parents that beat their children on a regular basis are the cause of all the whiney, cry-baby liberals in the world today.

That previous sentence is an example of sarcasm Dave. I don't believe it, there is absolutely no foundation in fact for the supposition, I said it only because it will yank the very short chain that your owner allows you to run on.

Take a deep breath Dave and relax. Maybe you should try the Bill Clinton approach and pay a little extra for a spanking - it might help you get in touch with your inner child.

Anonymous said...

I thought we were talking about why you beat your children.

If you are Christian, shouldn't you try to follow the teachings of Christ. You seem far too angry, hostile and vindictive. Either you don't understand the teachings of Christ or you aren't trying very hard.

Could all this pent-up anger have something to do with your father beating you? Just something to think about Watson.

Anonymous said...

One thing you can always rely on when it comes to the holy right wing. They preach love of God out of one side of their mouth and hatred and intolerance out of the other side.

Watson said...


1.) The whole point was not the actual act of spanking, but know-it-all liberal politicians who seem to think they know what's best for everyone else. Government has no business telling me whether or not spanking can be used in my home. Even with your limited ability to comprehend, it should have been quite obvious that spankings were not a very common occurrence in our house, either growing up or with my own children. But you already knew that and you were just trying to be funny weren't you? Ooops, you missed again.

2.) Do I struggle with my Christianity? You bet - every day. I am human, contrary to what you may believe, and when one is constantly confronted with the same ignorance and intolerance I'm accused of, it is hard to remember that your accuser is a child of God as well.

As regards your cute little line about my father beating me - of course he never did "beat" me. There is quite a distinction between a spanking and a beating. I was spanked Dave, never beaten.

However, an insightful reader might come to the conclusion that you were given a beating or two based upon your choice of words.

Instead of worrying about the wonderful relationship I still have with my 81 year old Dad, maybe you should try and figure out why the spaceship left you behind.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to find your serious points in all the trash talk and name calling.

If you could do a ride-along with a child protective worker for a day you might change your mind about the Government's role in what goes on inside private homes. Do you REALLY trust all the parents in the your community to decide what is "spanking" and what is "beating"?

I have no problem with your belief in God and Christ, but I have problems with people who condescend to Athiests and other Non-Christians then justify their un-Christ like attitudes and behavior with "Christianity".

Congratulations on your good relationship with your father and congratulations to him on his logivity. I hope he has a good qualiy of life.

There is as much evidence that a spaceships dropped us off as there is that God created us.

Watson said...


You are correct about finding the points in the trash talk - I stand convicted.

If if it appears I am condescending to atheists, that is not the case. I'm being completely serious when I say I do actually feel sorry for them, because I can't comprehend living life without the HOPE of a life to come.

If you or anyone else has found that path for yourself, it is still a path I would not chose to follow. Granted it was how I was raised, but I can assure you I went through my own "there is no god" period and I am grateful I came out the other side with a renewed faith.

That faith is not as constant and as strong as I'd like it to be, but I suspect that there are millions who struggle with that on a daily basis.

"There is as much evidence that a spaceship dropped us off as there is that God created us."

I can't refute that statement, and I'm sure that Assimov and Roddenberry considered the possibility more than once. I also like the idea of string theory and the possibility that there may be unlimited alternate universes, but for the course of my daily life, I'll stick with Christ.

I know of no other person in the history of mankind who has had a more profound impact. Humans have perverted his teachings to their own benefit, but the evolution of Christianity has succeeded to the extent that love, peace and understanding are now more important than anything gained worldly.

I wish that all other religions or "life models" incorporated those three, simple concepts, but they don't.

I have a hard time doing it on a daily basis myself, so for today at least, love and peace to you and may you have the patience to endure my Churchillian tongue.

Anonymous said...

Ah! You are a reasonable man.

Now, if we can get you away from FOX News for a while we might make you a good Libr'l.