A Little News

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Never Forget

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, I switched on the radio as I was driving to the Amsterdam Monroe Muffler and heard a report that a plane of some sort had flown into the World Trade Center. Upon reaching the dealership, I asked if I could turn the TV on in their waiting room. As the man behind the desk and a couple of other customers watched along with me, we saw plane number two strike the other tower.


With that being said, everyone in the room realized that we were under attack. We should have realized it when Iran seized our embassy personnel during the Carter administration, but all the subsequent terror attacks still left us comfortably smug in our safety. At least until 9-11-01.

Here we are, six years later, listening to disingenuous politicians telling us that Iraq is not a front in the War On Terror. If those that speak it truly believe it, and are not just saying it for political purposes, then they are even more dangerous than conniving politicos. To deny that Iraq is a front in the War On Terror is akin to saying the brain is only a part of the body and has nothing to do with the rest of it. I do know some liberals like that, but most of them were dropped on their heads as young children.

During WWII, the media, including the movie and recording industries, got behind the war effort and produced propaganda. When you hear the word "propaganda", most of us automatically attach a negative connotation, but FDR knew, just as the terrorists know now, that propaganda is a necessary component of the home front in any war. Did you find it as hard to believe as I that MSNBC refused to run spots that support our efforts in Iraq? You can see them on other channels - parents who have lost a child, disabled veterans, regular Americans, asking the country to continue to support our efforts in Iraq. These morons at MSNBC are "anti-war" - well, who isn't? Everyone in their right mind is anti-war, it's just that some people like to play Pollyanna instead of dealing with reality.

There is a dark side to propaganda - thus the negatives we associate with the word. There is a comment on my previous post that provides a link to a You Tube video by the band "Stuck Mojo". The video is set against some spoken words, as well as their song "Open Season". This is a very disturbing video from many aspects, but you should take the time to watch the entire video:

I find very little to disagree with in lyrics of the song, but I find the little girl shouting her desire to be a suicide bomber abhorrent, and I found the courage of that one woman to speak the truth not only refreshing, but remarkable.

It is disturbing not only for what it shows us about Islam, but it also shows us that we, even with the best of intentions, are just as capable of intolerance and hatred as the Muslims are. We feel we are responding to actions they initiated, which is precisely the same thing they think.

The real reason the video is so disturbing is really quite simple: I can see no solution to the problem, other than an all out war.

Iraq is not the cause, it is only a symptom, a part of the overall disease. The disease is Islam and the reason we have not heard the moderate voices of Islam decry the foul actions of their brethren is because the moderate voices are very few and very frightened.

I will remember 9-11, I will never forget. I will not classify all Muslims as terrorists, yet I will never turn my back to them. I would be perfectly happy to let them live in the 5th Century if they would let me live in peace in the 21st, but I don't think that's what they have in mind.

Please remember to fly your American flag this Tuesday, wear a flag pin - do whatever you feel is appropriate to commemorate and honor all of the Americans and other nationalities who lost their lives six years ago.

1 comment:

KafirKlatscher said...

Just an aside to the video link i sent. The suicide bomber kids, and memri video as well as pictures of I Cooper etal, were edited into the video. There is one thing the non-muslim needs to remember: there is no moderate muslim. All muslims have one allegiance; Islam. They can not have any other allegiance. They will not be happy until the world is united under ALLAH.