A Little News

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Has A New Age Really Dawned?

"The whole world is now watching Burma, and its illegitimate and repressive regime should know that the whole world is going to hold it to account," he said. "The age of impunity in neglecting and overriding human rights is over."
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown

With that eloquent statement, Britain's Prime Minister has summed up the legacy of Iraq. Dictators, military juntas, madmen posing as populists (yes, I mean you Hugh Chavez), should all be very concerned about their positions. When western governments join together and make it perfectly clear that the ruling persons will be held accountable for their actions, lives are saved and in the end, the people will enjoy freedom.

The news services are reporting one death yesterday during the massive protests in Burma, but early reports today indicate that things are calm. I believe that the militarists are showing restraint for only one reason - fear. They've seen what happened to Saddam and they are quite afraid that the U.S., Great Britain, or some combination of states that have a pair, will come in, remove them from power, try them and hang them - which is probably not all that bad an idea.

That's one aspect of the War in Iraq that most of our liberal friends will not take the time to consider, because it gives solid support to the President's decision to remove Saddam. In my opinion, this also provides ample reason not to precipitously pull out of Iraq, not only for the maelstrom we'd be unleashing there, but also the message it would send to friends and foes alike about the trustworthiness of the United States. What friend could ever trust us to have their backs if we turn tail and act like the cowards the liberals would prefer us to act like?

If you feel like it, take a look at my previous blog on the Democrat candidates. You'll note that I predicted that if Hillary is elected, the troops will not be coming out of Iraq. If you failed to watch the debate at Dartmouth, which I freely admit I did, you would have learned that Hillary will not guarantee to have the troops out by 2013, nor would most of the other major candidates, with the exception of Bill Richardson and that wingnut Kucinich. Check out MSNBC or any other news website for details.

You poor liberals - placing all that faith in the vaunted leaders of the Democrat Party, and the only person who really represents your point of view is a floppy-eared bunny with a trophy wife, and no one but a very few of you takes him seriously.

I wish I could say that the Republicans are offering us an exceptional candidate, but I'd be lying. I don't see a single one at this point who has captured my interest. I'm leaning towards Romney at this point, but only because he has proven leadership ability in business as well as politics - a factor that never seems to make much of a difference to most of the voting age population.

The sole reason I even mentioned the upcoming election is to encourage anyone who reads this to think not only about our future, but the future of peoples around the world when it comes time to vote in November '08. As a converted liberal, there is very little chance that I would ever vote for a Democrat, but at this point in the election cycle, I will not make a pick simply because no candidate from either party has made a case that convinces me they should get my vote. In fact, I don't like the choices we're being given, including our wingnut, Ron Paul.

Keep an eye on Burma, or Myanmar, whichever you prefer. If the military rulers do start killing monks and civilians, let's see how the U.N. and the world reacts - that will be the true indicator as to whether a new age of concern for our fellow man has dawned around the world.

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