A Little News

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Important Legislation Passed!

My positive feelings for Congress are now at an all time high. It is of little consequence that legislation regarding our energy problems will not be passed because it's time to head home for a month - the problem will still be there when they get back and I have heard that they'll pursue an alternative energy policy based on hot air.

The reason I'm so giddy over our esteemed representatives is because, by voice vote, they have finally apologized for slavery and the treatment of black people. They also formally apologized to Native Americans back in February of this year, but that story didn't get nearly as much coverage as this one will. Unfortunately the Native Americans don't have a Chief Jesse Jackson, or a Medicine Man Sharpton to continually point out the short comings of white men, so they don't get as much press. I guess since they get to run casinos they figured things had pretty much evened out anyway, so no need for a big news story.

In 1988, Congress also apologized to Japanese-Americans for their internment during WWII. The Father of The Entitlement Society, FDR, decided that we just couldn't trust them because they had slanty eyes, so he locked them away. He did allow a few of them to join up and fight the Germans, and after almost two years of fighting, the 100th/442nd emerged from the war the most highly decorated unit in U.S. military history.

Since Congress has apologized for slavery, that should be the end of all talk of discrimination and the nonsensical idea of reparations for black people, right?

Now black Americans will listen more to Bill Cosby speak of personal responsibility instead of Jesse & Al's message that the man has kept you down and he owes you, right?

Now before the liberals that don't find this apology sufficient, and before those of the same ilk accuse me of being a racist, let me state that I am in full agreement with all of the apologies noted. It's "feel good" legislation (it's makes the Congress feel good) and in light of the abhorrent treatment that each of the groups have received over the years, they were certainly due.

My major problem with the apology is timing. With the energy crisis that we face; to set off for a month long vacation while we continue to pay $4+ at the gas pump is an insult to all of us. If you use fuel oil as your main source of heat here in the Northeast, have you given any consideration to the fact that 100 gallons of fuel oil is going to run you between $450- $500? Many suppliers won't even come to your house unless you're ordering more than 100 gallons, so it might be a good idea to start rolling those pennies now.

If you click the title of this piece you'll be taken to an AP story about the impending home heating crisis many of us will face this winter.

Kudos on the apologies, but isn't there something else you forgot to do before scurrying out of town? I know you're trying to save the world Nancy (is she sharing egos with Barack?), but why not start out with our little corner of it before you tell the rest of the world what to do.

One other interesting incident in Congress yesterday. The Dem's want the control of the tobacco industry under the DEA, not the FDA (if you don't know what the acronyms represent, look them up). Why? Greater control and the eventual elimination of all tobacco products.

John Bohner (R), Minority Whip, is a smoker. John Dingell (D) is not. When Bohner spoke against the idea, Dingall's response was that since the Minority Whip was a smoker, he was killing himself; slowly committing suicide, and it was the job of Congress to save him from himself. Talk about gall.

How long before we reinstate Prohibition? How long before the liberals tell us what we can and can't do in the privacy of our own homes and vehicles? One quick observation - you'd have to drink in order kiss the lips of the group of haridans at left.

If you feel the control of your life, from cradle to grave, is best handled by all those smart lawyers who achieve political office, then be sure to vote for Obama; turn in your rifles and your testicles; accept the fact that WASP's are responsible for all the problems in the world, then just sit back and let the government take care of you in whatever internment camp your group belongs to.

Big Brother is waiting, and he's a staunch supporter of liberals everywhere.


Anonymous said...

You are a bigot. An ignorant racist without a clue. Unfortunately, the people around you have apparently never told you and you have a self-inflated sense of self-worth so you don't bother to really think about what you say.

Maybe they haven't told you because you're such a loudmouth idiot that they can't bear to have a conversation with you about anything substantial let alone anything that involves your self-awareness.

Watson said...

Dear Anon:

Thanks for your insight and the courage you displayed by being anonymous.

Did you miss the part about how all the apologies were due? Did you skip over the fact that the timing of the apology was the only thing that bothered me when we have such a pressing issue as energy independence? Is Bill Cosby wrong when he speaks to blacks, or do you prefer Jesse & Al? Are you one of the liberals who thinks they know what's best for everyone and desires to control as many aspects of our lives as possible?

You are very good at vehement bile and character assassination, but try to be a little more specific next time so the readers can understand exactly what you're so offended by.

You don't know me, but your words speak volumes about who you are. Feel free to return and continue to comment, and feel free to remain anonymous - you apparently don't have the intestinal fortitude to do otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I never was a fan of abortion, but for Anonymous i would gladly pay for one retroactively. What a maroon!

Anonymous said...

OK Smart Anonymous. Not So Smart Anonymous however should get back on his meds. From now on you Anonymous guys will be Popinjay and Poppin' Pills.