A Little News

Friday, August 3, 2007

God Bless The Child

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and it's best hope for the future."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven"
Henry Ward Beecher

It has become so ordinary, so commonplace, that without photos or graphic descriptions, sexual assault on a child seems to just meld in with all the rest of the day's news. Why is there even any discussion as to whether or not a website dedicated to pedophiles and ways to attract young children is protected by free speech? How can a judge let a child rapist go just because she can't find a translator, when the perpetrator speaks English? How can a Vermont judge let the rapist of a young boy off with no jail time?

The "how" is quite simple - liberals/secularists/progressives - choose your own label - apply the same skewed logic to all situations. Since no one is responsible for their actions any longer, due to the corrosive effect of the military-industrial complex that controls us all, in conjunction with the effects of global warming, there is no evil in the world, only good folks who've had a bad break.

When you hear something facetious like that last statement, remember that there is always a grain of truth to be found - the grain that prompted the jibe in the first place.

The link directly above will take you to a story about how Texas is considering the death penalty for a child rapist. Based on past postings, you know that I'm not a supporter of the death penalty - for any reason. My son and I were discussing the issue, and he asked if I wouldn't want the death penalty for someone who had raped and murdered one of his sisters. I assured him that I would feel the desire for that ultimate revenge, but in forgiveness there is peace and the soul can still rejoice. Unless defending yourself or one's country, the taking of another human life should be left to God's serendipity.

For those of you now thinking I have gone soft in the head, let me tell what I would do. If I were able to propose a state or federal law, it would very simple. The fewer words you use, the fewer things lawyers can misconstrue.

1st Offense - Child Molestation and all related crimes - you have two options:

1.) Castration / Chemical Regimen to control desires / Chance of parole in 10 years
2.) Life in prison

That's it. No excuses; no tolerance; two choices - Period!

Freedom of speech - not if you're promoting anything that can endanger a child. Your freedom of speech ends when you espouse anything that can harm a child. And just so we're clear on what a child is from a temporal perspective, the age would be 15 or younger.

I suppose that when a nation can blithely run on while 800,000 children are aborted every year, it's going to take a miracle to enact anything like the law I've proposed. The ACLU gets the splashy headlines when they demand that the Ten Commandments be removed from the lobby of a State Court House. Would anyone care to place a wager on which side of the pedophiles website issue they'd be on?

There are some questions that are innate to all of us:

Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?

On January 28, 1970, at a little after 6 in the morning, I received my answer - an answer which has been reaffirmed over the years. It was at that time that I looked into the eyes of my very first child - a beautiful little girl that took my heart away. That same feeling was present for my other three children as well, and it pops up unabashedly every time I hold a grandchild.

They are the reason I'm here - they are my purpose.

We tend to think we're so superior to the human beings of thousands of years ago - our technology makes that easy to do - but in some cases, we've forgotten the important things. How long do you think a child molester would have lasted with them?

I plan on copying and pasting this blog into emails to both Senators Clinton & Schumer. I expect nothing other than the standard email reply, and I don't expect either of them to actual read it, but if you don't plant a sunflower seed, sunflowers will never grow.

Feel free to plant in your children's garden.

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