A Little News

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Of "Kos" Not

The transformation of the Democrat Party is no where near complete. The chrysalis has formed, and inside that hard shell is a new party - ready to burst forth upon the scene. Attuned to the blogosphere, ready to manage the rest of the 21st Century and beyond, the process takes an inevitable step at the Kos Convention this week. Interested in learning more, here's their website:

Along the right hand side you'll see the icons for Move On.org, unions and other supporters of the liberal side of the house. As they put it, they're "building a netroots nation". You've got to give them credit - once they saw that even a lightweight like Howard Dean could raise money via the Internet, they've have seized upon the opportunity and taken greater advantage of it than the conservative side of the house.

They are organized - they have money - and I'm not losing any sleep over it.

That's not to say I won't watch closely, but when I think about liberals, I'm taken back in time to a television show that most of us "boomers" grew up with - The Andy Griffith Show. Inside that chrysalis, the new albino (white - the color of surrender) butterfly will spring forth with the body of Ted Kennedy and the face of Don Knotts.

For you youngsters out there who don't remember the late Mr. Knotts, he played the hapless, lovable Deputy Barney Fife (geez - I almost typed Barney Frank - now wouldn't he have been an interesting character on that show in the late 50's, early 60's?) in the fictional town of Mayberry, NC. Now Barney meant well, but he had a propensity to mistakenly analyze any given situation, and then proceed to react in a hilarious Chicken Little fashion.

Barney was armed, but he only had one bullet, which he had to keep in his shirt pocket, not in his gun, and therein lies the heart of my analogy. Democrat politicians have allowed the far left of their party to dictate the direction of the party, to the point that it is almost unrecognizable as the party of Harry Truman or John Kennedy. Electing anyone who openly embraces the kind of socialist fare you'll find on the Daily Kos would be akin to having Barney Fife as the Secretary of Defense - or Barney Frank for that matter.

So make sure you watch the news this week and listen to the caterwauling of the "Kossacks" from the Kos Convention. You should be aware of what they're doing, and I'm sure you'll find plenty that's entertaining in a Dali-esque sort of way, but you don't need to lose any sleep, because there are still plenty of Andy Taylor's looking out for you.

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