A Little News

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Someday ...

This 4th of July will be no different then the last few we've observed:

Half the country at war, half the country convinced we're in a bumper-sticker war . . .

Half the country believing the War in Iraq is fighting terrorism, half the country believing we should redeploy God knows where, or just cut and run . . .

More than half the country secure in their faith to the point where it is not necessary to make a public issue of the matter, the smaller percentage of secularist-ACLU-lovers who's main goal is to make sure there is no reference to God anywhere in public . . .

More than half the country believing that life begins at conception, and less than half the country willing to destroy that life for the sake of convenience or to support a woman's right to murder without penalty . . .

I purposely chose to use the word "murder" to describe an abortion to illustrate a point. The practice, by both sides, of demonizing and offending the other side, instead of debating, is part of the problem itself. Selecting words that you know offend your opposition may make you feel like a member of the Algonquin Club, but it won't help resolve anything. If I (like most everyone else) continue that lack of civility for the opposition, then how in the world will the country ever approach any degree of unity?

I have long considered abortion to be the one of the most important issues this country will ever face. The simple fact of the matter is that the religious beliefs of millions in this country define abortion as murder, and against the law of God. However, according to the law of man, there are times and conditions when an abortion is considered acceptable.

I'll paraphrase a couple of things from the bible, in terms more recognizable today. Christian or not, the sentiments apply to both sides of the issue.

Give up to God what is His, and give the damn government what they thinks theirs. And while you're at it, don't worry about the sliver in your neighbor's butt, you're sittin' on a fence post. Oh, and as far as your neighbor goes, it's not your place to judge him - I'll take care of that Myself.

If anything is ever going to be truly settled in this debate, then there must be give on each side. Here's a concept I could live with:


Modern technology allows us to see, in color, the complete development of the fetus. Any woman, 18 years of age or older, who seeks an abortion within the permitted time frame, must first view the fetus in her womb, in color. If, after that, she decides to continue, so be it. I know that many abortion opponents won't like that. However, if you have faith as a Christian, you believe that God will come to judge the living and the dead. Let Him be the judge, while we continue to offer love and comfort to all of God's children, especially any woman struggling with such a terrible decision.


The end of the assault on Roe v. Wade. The change won't be immediate, no one can promise that there won't be the occasional nut case at an abortion clinic, but the acceptance by the vast majority of Americans would alleviate the climate of fear that surrounds abortion practitioners and those that use their services.

Momentum is a funny thing. Inertia is it's enemy. In our case, the loggerhead that has settled over Washington for the past score of years has been a reflection of our own inability to come to any acceptable compromise as a people. If we can just find one, very important subject, address the issue once and for all, perhaps we could finally (I hate to say this) move on.

I don't expect to be able to change the world, all I can do is offer up what few cogent observations I'm capable of. If you think the idea has merit, share it with someone, especially if they don't agree with your position. Talk about it; get them to share the idea with others. Perhaps the internet is capable of more than we've ever dreamed of, because it's surely capable of scaring the crap out of the political aristocracy in D.C.

By the way, I did replace the laptop screen myself, no parts left over, and I didn't use the hammer or the duct tape.

Will wonders never cease - have a safe and happy 4th of July fellow Americans!

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