A Little News

Sunday, January 13, 2008

God's Sense of Humor

It has occurred to me of late that for the most part, those of us who believe in God tend to view Him with reverence; we fear His retribution (with a tip of the hat to Garrison Keillor & Prairie Home Companion - gotta love those Minnesota Lutherans); we ask for His guidance; we offer up prayer in supplication - but we never seem to give Him credit for His sense of humor.

Though I am adamant about maintaining an open forum here, I must request that for the effort upon which we are about to embark that all atheists refrain from comment. You don't believe in Him, so it almost goes without saying that assigning a sense of humor to someone you don't believe exists is a rather fruitless exercise for you.

I encourage those of you who read this to share your thoughts on God's sense of humor.

Personally, I'd have to start with Mel Brooks. He may not believe in Jesus Christ, and his takeoff on the Inquisition is scandalous (funnier than hell though), but if God didn't have a sense of humor, would He let the Jews have Mel Brooks and give us CarrotTop?

Baldness - now that's funny. Only because I still have most of my hair and my brother Joe doesn't. It doesn't make up for the fact that he whoops my butt every time we hit a golf course, and it is only a matter of genetics - but it should remain a viable source of irritation for him until I progress further down Hairless Lane.


Being the proud owner of said species of canine, I can attest to the fact that they are indeed ugly, and to make matters worse, the damn things snore - at least ours does. The joke is that He made people that actually love these things. I am one of those people, but I want it known that I was dragged there, kicking and screaming all the way. We just got an Australian Cattle Dog a few weeks ago, a puppy, and she makes #4 - I'll let you know how that works out after she learns about outside latrine duty and I get the dog crap out from between my toes.

So to recap, my first three selections that prove God has a sense of humor:

1.) Mel Brooks
2.) Baldness
3.) Pugs

I hope you'll take a few minutes and share your thoughts, as I'm sure there are as many ways to show God's sense of humor as there are stars in the heavens.


Anonymous said...

Just exactly WHAT do you find funny about baldness? Has it ever occured to your hirsute self that maybe God is bald and he created hair as a mark of the unsaved at the Rapture?

I hope your Australian Cattle Dog craps in your guitar!

Anonymous said...

I could think of a thousand things right out of the bible. How about convincing Abraham to kill his son Isaac and at the last minute saying - just joking!

Here's another good one. Putting Job's faith to the test. Just a little bet with Satan, but it was a little funny.

Anonymous said...

I would say add the Duck-billed Platypus to the list.

Just what was God thinking?

Anonymous said...

ooh, ooh, let me! Remember the the time those 42 kids made fun of old man Elisha and called him a baldy? Lol, then Elisha curses them and God sends two bears too rip the kids to pieces, lol. That was a good one!

Watson said...

Although some Christians believe the entire Bible is fact, Old and New Testaments, the vast majority do not. Most realize that although many of the events may have been founded in events of the time, much of the Old Testament is in fact allegorical. Not that it will make any difference to our anonymous friend, but it does "bear" mentioning. As far as using Job as an example - let's just say we all have our crosses to bear. Peace be with you.

givemethehighway said...

I'll go you one better on the hair loss angle to prove He has a sense of humor, allbeit a little warped. At about the same time that the hair on the top of your head (where you want it) starts going south, you get the added bonus of hair sprouting in your ears (where you don't want it), on the end of your nose (where you don't want it), on your back (where you don't need it), almost any place except where you would like to see it grow.

And one other proof of a Divine sense of humor. If you have ever play golf with my brother...well enough said. How anyone can show such dexterity with a guitar in his hands and be so totally hapless with a golf club in that same set of hands, well 'that's funny right there now, I don't care who ya are.'

Anonymous said...

The bible is either the inspired word of God or it isn't. You can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

How about the inspired word of God passed down verbally over campfires in the desert from father to son whose average IQ was about 85, for 400 years and then written down by a scribe? Does that do ya?

Watson said...

Dear Anonymous:

You appear to be a very happy atheist and it is a point of view you are most certainly welcome to. Please note that Christians are also entitled to their beliefs, as are all others whose many forms of spirituality or religiosity make up this great country.

You are angry for some reason - feel free to vent, but rest assured that even though Christians are as liable to use sarcasm as anyone else, we still think of you as a child of God. As such, you are worthy of our love and respect.

May God Bless You!