A Little News

Monday, January 21, 2008

Check out the "Editors" Comments

Incredible as it may seem, my piece on Dr. Martin Luther King, Ghandi and the Middle East has drawn the ire of the "Adirondack Editor". It's the first post from this bastion of liberalism on my blog, and I encourage you to take the time to read it, after you've read my piece first of course.

I'm not sure where all of the anger and hatred comes from, but the Editor seems to think that not only am I geographically and historically challenged, but I guess I'm also xenophobic.

Although I did my best not to not reply in kind and be sarcastic, I did slip once, maybe twice - ah, who's counting.

The main reason I'm writing this is because his reply surprised the heck out of me. I did not expect the virulent outburst against America, white men, Christians, Jews, and yours truly - though in all fairness verbal attacks on yourself are part of the price you pay if you wish to blog.

In case you hadn't noticed of late, I have been staying away from politics and trying to focus elsewhere - a simple matter of self-preservation. When you're dealing with clinical depression, politics is last place you want to focus!

One of the hardest things to learn and accept in this life is that not everyone is going to like you - no matter how hard you try, no matter what you might say or do; there will always be someone who thinks you're a jerk.

I will continue to write as my conscience and my heart dictate, to do otherwise is intellectual suicide. If you like what I have to say, that's fine, if you don't, that's fine too.

If you don't like what I have to say, just remember 2 things:

1.) I'm a practicing Catholic - the operative word be "practicing". Though I try to keep my responses to the point, I'm just as capable of sarcasm as anyone else.

2.) It's my blog and I will have the last word.


KafirKlatscher said...

What a misinformed orificewipe, the adk editor is. Thank you for your kind spanking of him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah he took me to task also, oh well life goes on. Good post.

Editorial Staff said...

You are amazing. You wrote "I did not expect the virulent outburst against America, white men, Christians, Jews, and yours truly - though in all fairness verbal attacks on yourself are part of the price you pay if you wish to blog."

Show me where I did any of those things...

You right-wingnuts are something else.. when someone disagrees with you the first thing you do is run out and misinterpret what happened as an attack on you and then gather all your friends to pile on.

You and your friends (especially one using a blog name that begins with Kaffir) calling me names - "misinformed orificewipe," "Irascihole" - doesn't impress those who read critically both your post and my response.

Also, your attempt to characterize what I said for your own ends rather than simply quoting my comment shows us all - if we didn't know already - what your think of fair debate and discussion.

Just so we're clear: "Kaffir" is an racial and ethnic slur used to describe people of African descent mostly in South Africa (the home of Aparthied).

With friends like those....

Anonymous said...

Just so we're real clear - The Etymology of Kafir, Kaffir, is from the Arabic for infidel. Or as defined on the al-islam.org website: "A kafir is, first of all, according to the the Qur'an, one who is ungrateful
to the blessings showered by Allah, the Almighty." I use it as such. Klatsch is from the german klatschen meaning to gossip.

Watson, I don't see a single thing wrong with what you said. Your post just points out that violence has not worked in the Middle East, perhaps a non-violent means would work. I truly believe that every muslim on the planet earth would love to see a world-wide caliphate. this is a basic tenet of islam. If it was done peacefully as the Jehovah witness or Mormon proselytize, I have no problem. But Islam means submission, and that is not a word of choice. my distaste for their religion has come from hours and hours of research into the koran, and its hadiths, and their actions worldwide that attempt to trample on peoples right to liberty. There are not christians slaying people by the millions in modern society and the crusades were a response to 400 yrs. of violence and expansionism by islam. The world over, the majority of violence is centered around islam; they need to reform their religion or be obliged to return to the 7th century.

Anonymous said...

Islam mean submission. Yes, submission to God. I assume as a practicing Catholic that Watson also submits to God.

As for the word Kafir, it actually is used in the Qur’an in several different ways, not just as infidel.

Remember though, the word 'nigger' used to be a non-racist term also.

As for violence not working in the Middle East. I'm sure you would be the first to claim that the Iraq War is a success.

Lastly, you are indeed right wing nuts.

KafirKlatscher said...

al,al,al,al,al - thought you read my blog. Bush should have admitted his mistake, put saddam back in charge and let them all kill each other.
Iraq was the biggest military mistake since the fiasco perpetrated on our troops in vietnam.
Had we committed all our resources to Afghanistan, UBL would be worm food. Please don't try to lump watson with me, he is a much kinder, gentler blogger.

KafirKlatscher said...

Also, Al please quote your source for alternative meanings in the qoran, kuran, koran. Please refer me to the correct sura and ayah. I got my definition from an islamic authority on the quran. look it up@ http://www.al-islam.org/

Remember, watson says He will have the Last word.
aside to b.(sorry i got into this w/ these folks) you know how it is trying to teach a pig to whistle.

Anonymous said...

kaf, kaf, kaf....show me where I ever said I read your blog. I did visit your blog. The link to Little Green Football told me all I needed to know about you.

As for the use of the word Kafir by Muslims see Al-Baqarah 2:6 (Kufr al-tawheed - those who reject the faith); Al-Baqarah 2:152 (Kufr al-ni 'mah -lacking gratefulness to God); Al-Mumtahanah 60:4 (Kufr at-tabarri - to disown oneself from the Qur'an); Al-Baqarah 2:89 (Kufr al-juhud - to deny) and Al-Hadid 57:20 (Kufr at-taghtiyah - to hide or bury something, like a seed). Tafseer scholars have decided the meaning of each of these in based on the context in which they were used. Hope this helps.

Watson said...

Dear Readers:

I hope you have been able to enjoy the repartee the most recent blog has generated. If there's one thing a lot of liberals love, it's talking a big game of frank and open debate - but it’s only a debate if you're talking about the details of how they want things done - your opinions are the last thing they care to here if it differs from theirs.

Why do you think more Dems want an amnesty bill and open borders?

The Democratic Party has survived for years by promising minorities the heaven and the stars, and then not delivering. The minute a black man, like Thomas Sowell, points out the hypocrisy, he's called an "Uncle Tom". They've survived on smoke and mirrors longer than David Copperfield.

I did get quite a chuckle out of the Editor's reply though. The poor fellow obviously can't stand to read his own writing because he wants me to point out where he denigrated America, white men; me and I forget what else. It was nauseating enough reading your rambling drivel the first time, so don't ask me to have to read it again Editor - we'll just let the readers decide.

So I'm a rightwing nut - how very creative and original of you to say.

So, since you've taken your shot, here's a few apt descriptions for you and others of your ilk:

Panty-wearing, spotted-owl-kissing, tree-hugging, latte-sucking, weak-kneed, $400 a haircut, let's-screw-the-intern-and-elect-his-wife-president bunch of losers. I didn't want to get carried away, so I've left out some choice ones, but I'm sure all of my "friends" will pile on and add some more for your consumption.

And as far as my creative efforts to coin a new word, I'd be happy to call you a plain old asshole if that makes you feel better. I'd even be willing to throw in free adjectives if you like. Things like "flaming", "gaping", "ignorant" and so on.

Just let me know which you prefer and I'll be sure to use it in the future should you decide to bring your schoolgirl mentality back to this blog.

Anonymous said...

Practicing Catholic. You need more practice bud.

Anonymous said...

semantics, semantics, semantics..every single occurence you cite AL is a synonym for non-believer/infidel. Except for Al-Hadid 57:20 [This is the sole instance in the Quran where the participial noun kafir (in its plural form kuffar) has its original meaning of "tiller of the soil"] and it is being used in a parable whose moral relates to happiness w/material things being displeasing to allah. So you visited my blog, apparently to look at the pictures. Oh that i was a practicing catholic so that i may confess and be forgiven about my unholy thoughts of you.
Watson is so right you scream about inclusiveness... as long as it involves exclusivity of others ideas. aside to watson{perhaps it would be better to avoid the politics for me as well, i think i'm developing high blood pressure}

Anonymous said...

Listen up, a**holes! All of you!
Read this!

Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
and someone believed it,
and look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing?
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.

All of us under its spell,
we know that it's probably magic....

Have you been half asleep
and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.

Now go eat ice cream until you are sick!

Watson said...

I have noted on prior occasions that the operative has been, is, and shall always be "practicing" as regards my Catholicism.

Although I am a huge fan of orange pineapple ice cream Sir Charles, "frozen nose" has never been a particularly desirable sensation for me. At your age, moderation is always the word of the day. See - I even take shots at the people I love!

All I can tell you is what I said out front - I have to say what my heart tells me is right, and sometimes you get carried away and make a mistake - like calling someone an asshole. That was a mistake, because assholes are functional and he clearly is not.

I know there's time in purgatory for everyone of these shots, but sometimes I just can't help myself.

Anonymous said...

I thought Purgatory went out with Limbo.