A Little News

Monday, May 7, 2007

Tokyo Nancy - Senator Rodham & Friends

I received the following in an e-mail from a friend of mine in Florida:

Anyone who remembers anything about World War II, or has studied anything about World War II, will understand and remember that during World War II, the Japanese developed a way to demoralize the American forces. The Japanese psychological warfare experts developed a message they felt would work.

They gave their psychological warfare script to their famous broadcaster "Tokyo Rose" and every day she would broadcast this same message packaged in different ways, hoping it would have a negative impact on American GI's morale. What was that demoralizing message?

It had three main points:

1. Your President is lying to you.
2. This war is illegal.
3. You cannot win the war

Does this sound familiar?

Is it because---

Tokyo Hillary,
Tokyo Harry,
Tokyo Teddy,
Tokyo Nancy,
Tokyo Durbin,
Tokyo Kerry,
Tokyo Murtha,
Tokyo Barack Hussein Obama Jr,

etc. have all learned from the former enemies of our country and have picked up the same message and are broadcasting it on:

Tokyo CNN, Wolf Blitzer
Tokyo ABC, Charles Gibson
Tokyo CBS, Katie Couric
Tokyo NBC, Brian Williams / Tim Russert
etc., to our troops

The only difference is that they claim to support our troops before they try to demoralize them.

Come to think of it... Tokyo Rose told the American troops she was on their side, also.

Over the top? It sure is, but once you get past the bombast, you'll find an element of truth that is undeniable: If you want to assure that your efforts to undermine your country succeed, just follow the simple formula:

1. Your President is lying to you.
2. This war is illegal.
3. You cannot win the war

Sound familiar? If not, do a little research on the Democratic Congress that abandoned the Vietnamese and led to that famous photo of the chopper leaving the top of our embassy in Saigon. If there is one thing that all politicians have learned, it is this: Even if you're telling a lie, if you repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth in the minds of the uniformed masses (UM's).

Speaking of the UM's, I found it interesting that when addressing the burning issue of our time (Harry Reid - Iraq War, etc.), in the Journal & Republican and the Watertown Times, my letter regarding Harry Reid generated a total of 2 responses. One, from the parents of a soldier killed in Iraq, calling the war there immoral, and a responder from Carthage, who stated I had my facts wrong, and suggested that diplomacy and negotiation were the means by which we could resolve the Islamo-facist-terrorist (IFT's) situation.

Other than to thank them for the service of their son to our nation, I will not argue with the parents of someone who's child has died in Iraq. Having just lost a child myself, I understand all too well the pain they feel, and if they think the war is immoral, they are certainly entitled to their opinion - just like Cindy Sheehan is.

I will, however, take issue with the respondent from Carthage. You must be incredibly naive or incredibly stupid to think you can negotiate with IFT's. What don't you understand about their desire to convert or kill us? Point out the nation that we're supposed to negotiate with to disarm Al Quaida - what government do we ply our diplomacy on? If you'd like to wait until the United Nations does something about it, you might just as well put in your order for a turban right now.

One of the most popular concepts on the left, albeit idiotic, is that it is a civil war in Iraq, pure and simple, and we should leave.

Let's see - if I'm Al Quaida and I want to create a situation where all the whiny Americans have something to whine about, what do I do? I don't know, maybe blow up cars loaded with explosives, maybe even have a couple of children in the back to divert suspicion. Our intelligence reports indicate that the vast majority of these suicide bombers are from OUTSIDE of Iraq - not Iraqis! Even if the reverse were true, does that mean we should abandon a country struggling to find a democratic formula that works for them?

The blatant stupidity of the left is matched only by their innate duplicity. If it were Slick Willie sending the troops into Iraq, the Dem's would be 100% behind the effort. Here's the difference - most of the Republicans would be behind it as well. We didn't have UN approval to start bombing in the Baltics (immoral?), but for once in his life, President Bubba did something right and took action. Yes, I just praised Bill Clinton - don't get too used to it.

Now we have our beloved Senator Rodham proposing to rescind the congressional approval for the effort in Iraq. Is there nothing that this woman won't do to get elected? Every decision that woman has ever made, has been made with only one thought in mind: Will this help me to become President? From the moment she started screwing up a National Health Care Plan, anyone with eyes could see what her ultimate goal was. She may not be a "Stand By Your Man" kind of woman, but if it meant she would be elected President, she'd let Bubba wrestle naked, on live TV, in a bowl of steaming hot goulash with the Hungarian women's volleyball team.

The bottom line is quite simple - if you're a Rodham-ista, a Murtha-ite, or a Hemor-Reid (supposed to be a play on "hemorrhoid", but if you have to explain them, ...) you are a member of a group of people who, while claiming patriotism, are doing exactly what our enemy would like you to do - quit.

I'm sure there are those, like Margaret Chase Smith (the only vote against war with Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack), who will never think anything is worth going to war for - and that's fine - as long as you don't mind being a slave.

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