A Little News

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm On The Wagon

N0, I am not giving up Jack Daniels. I am giving up giving a crap about politics until after the election. Hurricane Ike is headed for Texas and all these two can do is rush out political ad after ad, ad nauseum. If you take a look at the current titles of my fellow bloggers that are listed on the right, you'll see some examples of partisanship that will never change the mind of the undecideds. Therefore, I am swearing off any political commentary until after the elections.

Why? Quite simply, my mind is made up, I'm voting for John McClain. No, that's not a misspelling, I'm voting for the Bruce Willis character from the "Die Hard" series of movies. If Bruce Willis decides to run, I'll vote for him. At least by voting for a fictional character I'll be more aptly expressing my opinion of how we select our Presidential candidates. And with fiction, you get to write your own ending - you can't beat that.

OK, I will pull my tongue from my cheek and correct the above statement - I am voting for John McCain. Since Senator Obama has the most liberal voting record in the Senate, and I have no desire for socialism, the choice for me is quite simple.

Candidates slandering each other is nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more palatable. If you make your decision based on anything other than your political philosophy, then we can only hope you use some criteria more relevant than lipstick on a pig, or the hundreds of flags the Dem's threw in the garbage in Denver after the convention. Obama wasn't calling Palin a pig, and it was some minor functionary who probably didn't know how flags are supposed to be disposed of who screwed up in Denver. Our non-partisan media (more fiction) tries to make mountains out of molehills to increase their ratings. At least Keith and Chris won't be in the anchor chairs anymore. Oh, by the way, the flags were rescued by some veteran's and used by Republicans for a rally.

The point being that it is the political philosophy of the candidates that matters the most. If you are undecided, turn off the damn TV and start doing some research on the positions of each candidate. To do otherwise is to fail in your duty as an American citizen.

It is more than likely that any "undecideds" have ever been to this blog, but touting windmills has never presented much of a problem to me.

So, that's it. No more politics until after the election. I can't tell you what it is that I'll choose to do, I can only tell you that I'll do my best to keep it interesting.

Happy voting.


Anonymous said...

Watson, I agree. Over the course of the last two weeks I have received a seemingly unending string of Sarah Palin e-mails...everything from letters from Alaskans, both pro and con, to photos of scantily dressed or naked women in provocative poses with Governor Palin's face Photoshopped onto the picture. Several months ago I received an e-mail from a college classmate touting a book that purported to reveal that Senator McCain had a homosexual affair with one of his North Vietnamese captors. When I called him on the obvious fake he hastened to reply that it was a joke and all in good clean fun.

I have another "friend" who consistently sends e-mails purporting to know that the President is a cocaine fiend and that Mrs. Bush has been living at the Willard Hotel for the last two years. This was followed by "proof" that the President's daughter had to get married because she was pregnant. When I inquired some time later about the non-existent baby, he assured me that she had had a South American abortion. His source is Wonkette.

I know that this kind of stuff has been going on every four years, but it seems so much more virulent and pervasive this year.

This is the current state of political discourse in our country.

What is wrong with us?

PCS said...

Watson, how do you feel about the socialism of bailing out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers etc. (with our hard earned tax dollars)?

Anonymous said...

along the lines of what pcs wrote, watson, i hope you're making a bit of a joke when you equate a vote for obama with a vote for socialism. yes, obama is to the left of mccain on every issue i know of that's being contested in the election. but the policies obama has proposed come no where near socialism.

on the other hand, i say kudos to you for plainly basing your vote on your political philosophy and nothing else. i think our politics would be in better shape if more people approached it that way, rather than focusing on personalities or cultural identities or who knows what. i happen to have a different political philosophy than yours, which leads me to support a different candidate.

Watson said...

While I am usually opposed to the government sticking it's nose into the private sector, in this case we're facing a financial threat that's as worrisome as any physical threat to our national security. With Fannie & Freddie, we're talking the "American Dream" of millions and there's just no way the government can let them fail. AIG, being "too big to fail" is another example of positive government action taken to protect the welfare of millions of Americans who own stock in the corporation.
The limited and judicious use of federal power is always my preference, and thus far the Bush Administration has reacted in precisely that fasion.

Anonymous said...

I guess your hero John McCain disagrees with you Watson.