A Little News

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

For those of us who count ourselves as Christians, the celebration of Easter is on a par with Christmas because it recalls Christ's victory over death and the gift of eternal life for those that try and follow the precepts He gave us. You'll note the operative word: "try". For even the most devout are still human and subject to the whimsy of fate; tests in life that can be met with acceptance or rejection of God, assuming of course that you believe He exists.

It is difficult for me to understand how people go through life with no expectation of an "after life", but I know there are many people who feel that way. Regardless of how we view eternity, most people still try and follow basic rules of community, compassion and civility, much to the betterment of our society.

This Easter has been very special for us. Many of you are aware of my struggles with depression after the death of our daughter Bethany. This Easter is special because my wife has now officially joined the ranks of the Catholic Church. Some months after Beth died, our young grandson asked "Mima" why she wasn't Catholic like Aunt Beth was. After a dismissive reply, my wife started to consider the fact that all of her encouragement to the children regarding faith would have more of an impact if she herself began an investigation of her own.

Throughout the past year, as her sponsor, we meet on a regular basis with four wonderful women who work with people looking to convert to Catholicism. The beauty of joining my wife on her journey has been the reawakening of my own faith, which in turn has made our marriage of almost thirty years stronger than it has ever been. It has also served to refine my focus on life from what seems to be important to what really is important - God, family and reaching out to those who are in need.

This focus prompted an action this week that will alter the course of my life. I notified my employer that I intend to retire as of 10-31-08 after 25 years with the company. The main reason for my retirement is my desire to be home with my family, not out on the road 3 or 4 nights every week. There is no way I'll find anything that pays me like this job does, and I have no prospects whatsoever, and I couldn't be happier.

Sounds kind of crazy doesn't it. It's been a long time since I've to prepare a resume, and I don't know how many people are looking for a 56 year old who's looking to start a new career, but I have no doubt that the Lord will provide as long as I don't sit around on my butt waiting for Him to do everything.

Easter represents a new beginning; a springtime for the soul. I wish each and every one of you the joy and freedom of faith, what ever your guiding principles are, and I hope you and your families draw closer together than you ever have been this Easter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With a family like yours, what else could you need to consider yourself a success in life? Have a great Holy Day and don't make yourself sick eating peeps.