A Little News

Saturday, December 8, 2007

NBC - Nothing But Crap

A copy of my email submission to NBC and MSNBC:

Please rest assured that an NBC program will never contaminate my TV screen again. Your pathetic excuse for not running an ad that thanks our troops is not only transparent, but fits in nicely with the biased reporting you provide through the likes of Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman.

You are of course entitled to represent the opinion of those in power at your corporation, and we are entitled to turn you off and brand you for the spineless weasels you are.

With no respect whatsoever,

Ben Blair

When even the flagship of the left fringe, the New York Times, can run the full page ad with the sponsoring groups URL, we are supposed to believe that the standards of NBC won't allow them to run the ad because it has the groups web address. Yeah - right.

I love to listen to the left wail about "fair and balanced" when someone refers to Fox News, but then again, the vast majority of them have never watched Fox News, or have had so limited an exposure as to have an opinion based upon the pinings of like-biased non-viewers. You'll never have to worry about that phrase being applied to NBC or MSNBC, at least not by me.

Much to my distaste, I continue to watch both Matthews and Olberman, but I will admit that I have never watched even a second of Katie Couric. That's because the nice folks at WWNY won't allow us to get a CBS feed from DirectTV - for which I am most grateful. If the Giants happen to be on CBS, I can always jury-rig a coat hanger and get the snowy-feed I was used to growing up, albeit in color - kinda.

Personally, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas - regardless of whether you're Christian or not. It's the one time of the year when liberals can look at conservatives and think that we're almost human, because we really appear to care about others....and, oh golly, they really do hate war too don't they....and they, they use fake trees to keep the earth green .... and ....it's January 1st, it's an election year and the bloodsport will kick into a much higher gear.

I haven't made a choice yet, and even when I do, if you pay attention to me instead of figuring it out for yourself, make sure you sign my guest book - I'd like to be a cult leader someday.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree. Nothing but crap. They refused to run an ad for the Dixie Chicks documentary "Shut up & Sing" because it was disparaging to President Bush. Damn conservative...I mean liberal media!

Anonymous said...

Did you write to FOX yet to complain about them refusing to run an ad by the Center for Constitional Rights?

Anonymous said...

Dam, it looks like your email worked. NBC is running the ad.

Watson said...

For those of you unaware of the ad Big Gay Al was referencing, it was an ad by Danny Glover. Yup, the same Danny Glover who kissed Hugo Chavez's ass and has backed every kooky left wing idea to ever come down the line. The difference between the two ads is quite obvious:
1.) Mr. Glover's ad is his opinion - one that the vast majority of Americans could care less about
2.) The ad I was referring to simply thanks the soldiers for their duty to their country - it makes no reference as to the validity of the war.
One makes a political statement, the other simply thanks our troops - if you're having difficulty figuring out the difference, chances are you're a Dennis Kucinich devotee or an employee of NBC/MSNBC.

Anonymous said...

You talk like you've been trained by those AM radio wingnuts.

kissed ass
every kooky left wing idea
vast majority of Americans

The rare times you say anything with substance, it's usually not acurate.

You're talking provocative nonsense.

The ad wasn't to simply thank soldiers, it was an advertisement for their controversial website. Just like when Dealmaker thanks the soldiers, only Dealmaker wants to sell cars, the ad writers want to brainwash the public with toxic lies.

Watson said...

Dear Dave:

I hear Hugo Chavez is looking for more lackeys down in Venezuela. You and Danny Glover sound like you'd fit right in there.

Fellow readers, be sure to check out all of Dave's responses, especially his insights on my spanking piece. Dave is a true liberal, grounded in the tradition of Dennis Kucinich and other alien abductees. He not only can read without comprehending, but he can write without a single original thought entering his oatmeal mind.

Dave was born in Europe and brought to America at a young age by George Soros, and raised by the ACLU as a card-carrying sponge. Alhough he is related to SpongeBob SquarePants, he's not anywhere near as funny.

Keep up the good work Dave and be sure to let us all know when you get your GED from Bikini Bottom High School so we can have a party for you.

Anonymous said...


Back to the point.
FOX rejected an ad that was talking about "rescue the Constition" as "anti-American".

That makes FOX-sense, I guess.

That makes Watson-sense too.

Anonymous said...

FOX had to reject the ad about the Constitution....Danny Glover was narrating it! Now if Nick Nolte was narrating it....

You see Hollywood stars are evil liberals unless they are speaking for the right wing.

Get a haircut Watson you damn hippie.

Watson said...

I love it - perspicacity has once again been proven to be an illusive objective for the child-like. The constitution is doing just fine, despite what Danny Glover and the Chicken Little's of the world would have us believe. Glover's ad was an opinion - not fact, nor anything even remotely resembling fact. If you chose to believe it as gospel, more power to you - it's a free country.

I guess I'll just have to get by with my "provocative nonsense". It seems to at least "provoke" responses, regardless of how totally inane and sophomoric they may be.

Anonymous said...

Hi Watson,
You said,
"If you chose to believe it as gospel" There you go assuming that everybody believes that the Gospels are true.

So Danny Glover shouldn't be allowed to have and to publish an opinion? Just peope with opinions that agree with yours?

Yes, you're getting a lot of attention here. Thank Danger Democrat for refrencing this site, though he didn't do it in a totally complimentary way.

What the hell, as long as you're having fun Watson.

Watson said...

Dave: You know "accept as gospel" is simply a turn of phrase, a very common one at that, and I know that not everyone believes the gospels to be true - at least here you don't have to worry about your head being cut off for daring to say that you believe in Christ.

Of course Mr. Glover is entitled to his opinion, but why rehash to differences already cited - you either accept the reasoning or you don't.

I fully acknowledge, now and forever, that I am a sarcastic SOB with a penchant for creative and, sometimes, not-so-creative insults. Flip Wilson would say "Da devil made me do it!", but since I'm not supposed to reference God, I suppose I shouldn't reference the devil either.

There I go again darn it.

I do indeed have TF to thank for the reference. I believe it was because he found the writing to be entertaining, at times, and infuriating at others (I know that to be a fact - he told me I make his colon spasm with my "Rush" philosophy - he, in turn, can evoke the same response in me).

I also fully recognize my need to develop patience and consideration for the thoughts and opinions of others, regardless of how childlike and Oprah-esque they may be.


Well, I'll keep trying.

And just so those poor souls who read this know, Dave and I have actually communicated now via email and we have agreed on the fact that we are from the same species. We are hoping for additional areas of agreement, and will pursue them as soon as I evolve and climb down from the tree.

Anonymous said...

As Bill O'Riely would say:
"You get the last word Watson"

I do watch Bill, but I also subscribe to "Mother Jones".

Watson said...

Oh, I forgot to address anonymous regarding my being a hippie and needing a haircut.
1.) I used to be a hippie and a liberal - they just seemed to go hand in hand.
2.) Much to the chagrin of my ex-Marine father, after the Beatles made their first appearance on Ed Sullivan I immediately wanted to start growing my hair. Have you ever been chased by a group of guys with a pair of scissors at a high school basketball game? I was, and I wasn't even blogging then! They apprently felt that I was in need of a haircut and they were going to give me one, free of charge. Luckily, I was a bit more fleet of foot and the visiting team's school bus driver let me hide out on their bus for a while. Having survived that boorish attempt at hairstyle alteration, I pledged a long time ago to never impose my will on anyone's hairstyle. Thus, when my son decided he wanted to be a blonde in high school (it was the "in" thing for a while I guess), I let him.
Now, at the tender age of 56, I am more reluctant than ever to cut my hair because it seems to be going away of its own volition. I'm not vain enough for hair plugs or any of that stuff, but I can see a baseball cap in my future.